Apollyon vs Astrea

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In this requested skirmish I'm letting a certified warmonger, Apollyon, go against her biggest fan and copycat, Astrea.

Both of them are big fans of war for no reason.

Apollyon wants people to accept who they are and tells them that they are either wolves or sheep (either way they're furries)

Astrea wants to be Apollyon so badly that she even claims to be her reincarnation.

Apollyon died to Orochi even faster than my Warden does, why would anyone want to be her?

Bitch had a million health and still got whooped by a lightweight lol

While Apollyon kinda seems to respect things like innovation, philosophy and history, her counterpart acts like an absolute maniac and only cares about war (for whatever reason that might be)

Their armor is pretty much the same. Astrea, being the fangirl that she is, completely copied Apollyon's armor but gave it a more refined twist. (Warmongers wear armor that is forged from either their own old armor or the armor of their greatest enemies)

Obviously, both of them have their own armies.

Apollyon has the Blackstone Legion while Astrea has her own fanclub, the Order of Horkos (imagine being a fan of a literal copycat)

The Order of Horkos is pretty much a cult and made up of former members of the Blackstone Legion.

So if Apollyon wouldn't have been wrecked by Orochi, there most likely wouldn't even be an Order of Horkos.

Well to be fair, there also wouldn't be Astrea, since she wouldn't be able to claim to be the reincarnation of Warmommy Apollyon.

The real question here would be who would win if their armies would clash against each other?

This would make things a little bit more interesting, because if it's just a one on one, I would place my bets on Apollyon.

It's a Darth Vader vs Kylo Ren situation basically.

While the First Order would have a good chance of winning against the Empire, I don't think the Order of Horkos would win against the Blackstone Legion.

They both have nearly identical weapons, so it's not worth mentioning.

Let's take a look at the stats before jumping to the fight:

Strength: Astrea

Stamina: Apollyon

Speed: Astrea

Durability: Apollyon

Armor: Astrea

Experience: Apollyon

Army: Apollyon

Coolness: Astrea

Intelligence: Apollyon

Battle IQ: Astrea

Apollyon: 5

Astrea: 5

The battle:

In this scenario we'll have the armies marching up to each other, everyone is ready to fight, until Astrea and her army realize who's leading the other army.

Astrea is able to successfully hide her inner fangirling over Apollyon, and keeps herself composed.

Her army will either stand back or even change sides and join Apollyon, since the only reason they follow Astrea is that she's Apollyon Jr.

Astrea would then try to cut a deal and avoid fighting Apollyon, but Apollyon being a savage with too much pride, would obviously dismiss the peace proposition and ask Astrea to fight her in a duel.

Astrea, not wanting to look weak in front of her role model or just getting executed for refusing to fight, agrees and takes on Apollyon in a fair one against one.

Apollyon is slightly slower than her greatest fan, but that doesn't matter too much since the OG Warmonger is just so damn durable.

Her absolutely OP durability and 47 miles long health bar will cause Astrea to tire out eventually and get killed by Apollyon.

The Order of Horkos will then proceed to join Apollyon and continue to cause unwanted chaos around the world.

Apollyon wins high dif

Next up is Batman vs Snake (Metal Gear), suggestions are as always welcome.

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