Mortarion & Death Guard vs Justice League

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Btw, I just noticed that I forgot to write down the stats in the Deathstroke vs Deadshot fight, sorry guys.

But anyway, in this episode we look into an unexpected fight where two franchise intertwine once again.

On the one side we have the grim reaper knockoff Mortarion and his Death Guard (he's gonna really need those guys), facing the Justice League which consists of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Atom, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Hawkgirl, Zatanna, and Firestorm.

Yes, I took in a few more members so this fight would be a little bit more fair (it's still not fair btw)

The Injustice League has a lot of members with many different abilities, but will they be enough to take down a dude that is immortal?

Let's set him up against a few of the League's members, we're saving the best for last as always.

Mortarion vs

Green Arrow? No Diff
Black Canary? Low Diff
Cyborg? Low Diff
Hawkgirl? Low Diff
Zatanna? No Diff
Hawkman? Low Diff
Atom? Mid Diff
Red Tornado? Mid Diff
Martian Manhunter? Mid Diff
Batman? Low Diff
Aquaman? Mid Diff
Green Lantern? Mid Diff
Firestorm? Mid-High Diff

That leaves us with Wonder Woman, Superman and the Flash. (Maybe I missed a few members, I didn't really count them all, just know that they will most likely get rekt as well)

Now, we all know that Wonder Woman has a weakness against pretty much anything with a pointed edge, which means Morti's sword will be perfect to strike her down rather quickly, I mean what's she gonna do against him? Use her whip? What a joke.

The Flash, although incredibly fast, will not be able to do much against Morty, he will annoy the shit out of him, yes, but that's about it, he'll die after running out of calories to continue running circles around Morty.

Now that we pushed the trash of the Justice League out of the way, we can focus on the only real threat to our winged 40k Reaper, Superman.

Superman cannot die if kryptonite isn't involved, Morty can't die no matter what.

That leaves us with two options, they either both fight endlessly like the two brainless idiots that they are or one of them finds a way to discover the other's weakness.

I will purposely leave out the stats in this episode because they don't matter too much in this fight as neither of them will be able to kill the other without the use of certain items.

You can imagine the scenario something like this:

The Boredom League were just chilling in their quarter when suddenly the alarm went off and the Death Guard stormed in, attacking everyone in their sight.

Now, the Justice League was handling them just fine but what they didn't notice were their mates being slaughtered one by one by one particular guy, MortyMcTarion.

He swiftly and almost effortlessly takes care of most of the members, leaving only Superman, Flash and Wonder Woman standing.

Wonder Woman is the first one to fall, after getting some of Morty's sword.

Flash and Superman kept fighting him and the Death Guard until the Flash fucks up.

Morty is very fast but not near as fast as the Flash, who continues to harass him with attacks.

The Death Guard can't do much except for dying.

Soon enough Morty is able to catch Flash lacking since he was getting tired.

He snaps his neck without much effort and continues to fight Superman until they both realize that they won't be able to kill each other.

This endless fight will soon lead to Morty's retreat but obviously he won't let Superman live so he sends his Death Guard to find the only thing that can take our boy out, kryptonite.

Now, some might argue and ask how he found out about Superman's weakness but I think his Death Guards would be able to search through the Justice League's Base while those two retards were bashing their heads against one another.

They will quickly find out what Superman's weakness is when going through Batman's contingency plans, which they will use to find kryptonite and give it to Morty who'll then use it to kill Superboy.

Earth falls quickly with no one else able to stand up to Morty and gets conquered by him and his Death Troopers...yes, they're Troopers from now on, this is the way.

Mortal Onion wins Extreme Diff.

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