Batman vs Venom Snake

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This time we will put our favourite edgelord bat furry against the favorite puppet of Miller and Ocelot, the Little Boss, Venom Snake.

We are talking about the Dark Knight version of Batman (yes, the one who absolutely got his ass handed to him by a non-venom Bane and needed Catwoman to save him from getting whooped by Bane a second time)

Venom Snake almost singlehandedly managed to build up a huge base in the middle of the ocean, and an army of mercenaries as well.

He knocks his enemies out and attaches balloons to them, which then proceed to abduct the unconscious men, bringing them to the Mother Base where they most likely get their asses kicked by the badass cowboy wannabe Ocelot until they fully submit and accept their new life in the middle of an ocean, far, far away from home, serving the man that brutally knocked them out and ballooned them away, putting them in the middle of nowhere.

The Fake Big Boss' hardest fight was against the insufferable brat Eli.

Eli is annoying, stupid and all in all a waste of time.

He's so annoying that I specifically deployed to his mission at nighttime, to avoid fighting him and tranquilize him while he's asleep (this is not a joke btw, you can deploy at night time, and he will be asleep, thus sparing you the time waste of fighting him)

But depending on the player, Snake can just shoot a rocket in that kid's face (very recommended)

This will result in a game over screen and you'll be forced to restart from a checkpoint (worth it)

Snake absolutely wipes the floor with his enemies all over Afghanistan and Africa, neither the Soviets, Mercs, Zombies, Parasites or Children can stop this monster of a man.

He has three partners besides his Mercs.

D-Horse: A horse that I used on most missions to Speedrun through and get an S Rank.

D-Dog: A cute dog with an eye patch that marks all hostiles in a quite big radius.

Quiet: A rather attractive looking woman, wearing very revealing clothes that forces the male player base to play with only one hand-

If Snake fights with his army, Quiet will probably be the biggest threat to Batman.

Yes, I know Batman is pretty fast, but Quiet is a sniper that's able to hit teleporting Parasites and the pilot of a really fast approaching jet.

It's safe to assume that Quiet is able to make every player in a Black Ops 2 lobby ragequit with her unmatched quickscope skills, she would make the twelve year old me look like a joke

(I was pretty good at BO2 since I rather spent my time playing CoD and getting yelled at by other kids and older players, instead of studying for school and doing something useful with my life)

But if we're using Snake's army against Batman, we don't even have to mention Quiet, since Batman would most likely get bombed by air support from Pequod (the real hero of MGSV), before any of the Diamond Dogs can arrive.

No worries though, Snake's army won't be able to help their cool fake Boss guy, because this will be a one on one, without interventions of any kind.

I don't think they'll be able to react fast enough if Batman attacks Snake or that Snake will have enough time to call in for support.

A very ironic thing about Venom Snake is that he gets bitten by a real snake in a later part of the game...bruh

He survives, since the sniper stripper Quiet successfully calls for help and Snake gets picked up by his boys.

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