Noble Six vs Carolina and Washington (RvB)

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In this episode, the Noble Sixty-Nine will face off against the two almost forgotten states of the United Sandbox of America, Carolina and Washington DC.

Considering the fact that Noble Sixteen is absolutely based and a skilled fighter, it's only fair to put him in a 1 on 2 against the two states.

Noble Six (also called SPARTAN B312) was taken out of the BETA company immediately after training because they realized that he's an Alpha and doesn't belong to a Beta infested place.

Six made entire militia groups disappear (we really need that guy in real life).

He gained a high reputation as an efficient lone wolf assassin (I was also a badass lone wolf back in school because the lack of social skills prevented me from talking to people).

He was also a test pilot in a secret UNSC project (the Sabre Program) which then led to the development of the YSS-1000 Sabre class starfighter.

Looks like a decent ship, as if a jet and a spaceship had a baby.

B312 then used it for a counterinsurgency operation on Mamore on May 10, 2552.

B312's boss used him as his own private grim reaper (sounds kinky, but it's not, I promise), that's why he was reluctant to have him assigned to Noble Team.

Six was then eventually assigned to the team to replace its previous sixth member Thom-A293 (his name is Thomas but his teammates and superiors constantly bullied him and called him "Thom")

I can go on and write a whole essay about B312's coolness, but the other two members of this Death Battle will be mad at me, and I don't want two heavily armed soldiers mad at me (it won't end well for them...jk they'd light me up in a millisecond)

Let's start with Carolina, I don't know if we're talking about North or South Carolina, so let's keep it neutral for now.

"I found something stronger than strength, more satisfying than solitude and obsession. I found people worth being strong for."

Okay?...Solitude is considered satisfying now? Whatever you say Mrs. Edgelord.

She's a main Character in Red vs Blue (Spartans vs Athens).

To keep it short, she was the result of an experiment, that was rushed (Speedrun Experiment) and this whole "thing" ended up with her having two AI's in her head.

Following the events of the Freelancer Break-in, many believed Carolina to be dead (she's not), but she was searching for the Director, planning to kill him.

She didn't appear until the post credits scene of Season 11, because nobody likes her and no one wants to see her anyways.

The next and last character of this battle is Washington, so let's dive into geography and see what's up with him.

Washington DC is the capital of the US. The city is located on the east bank of the Potomac River, which forms its southwestern border with Virginia, and borders Maryland to its north and east. The city was named for George-

Wrong website, my bad. Should've used the Red vs. Blue Wiki instead of Wikipedia.

Major Washington or Wash (because he's washed up) possesses a real name, which is David...just David, yeah...I'm not going to diss this name because it's actually an acceptable name.

David was an easy going soldier that acted like a Rookie, despite his high rank (maybe he was retarded).

He was then implanted with the AI called "Epsilon"...Kifflom to all the brothers that remember the good old times...and the very obvious reference.

Witnessing all the Director's crimes, he went insane and actually became the antagonist (he turned Heel basically)

But he couldn't stay the bad guy for too long and later helped defeat the Meta, before becoming a member of the Blue Team.

When it comes to weapons both sides have a wide range of them, although Noble Six has more of them as far as I know (I could be wrong tho)


Intelligence: Six

Battle IQ: Carolina

Speed: Draw ( they're all Supersonic)

Stamina: Six (can last much longer on the battlefield than any other UNSC marines)

Strength: Six (can deadlift at least 3 times his body weight)

Agility: Six

Attack Potency: Six (can KO other Spartans with a few punches)

Durability: Six (MJOLNIR shields)

Experience: Wash and Carolina (they're older and have more experience)

Power: Six

Abilities: Draw

Six: 9

Wash and Carolina: 4

It's safe to assume that Six will beat either one of them in a duel, but this is not a duel, but a 1 vs 2, so the battle will look something like this:

Six, powered by his energy shields will fend both of them off, but they'll start using hit-and-run tactics to damage his shields and disappear.

They'll do it as long as it takes to take the shields out and force him to recharge.

He will be able to take one of them out in the process, I assume Wash is more likely to die.

Carolina will be able to kill him in the end, since he is greatly weakened and has no more energy shields to protect him.

It's sad to see a badass like Six get killed by nowhere near as cool characters, but it was a 1vs2, so this was to be expected.

Washing Machine and Carrot win extreme dif

The next battle will be Harley Quinn vs Cassie Cage.

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