Deathstroke vs Deadshot

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As you see their names imply that they're dead, therefore no one wins, thank you for tuning in, and until the next time.

That's what a douche would write, which I am but not to that extent, let's look into some interesting facts about these two assassins.

They're both famous for getting their asses handed to them by Batman, which says pretty much nothing about them since everyone gets owned by the bat sooner or later.

Deathstroke only has one eye, he removed it when he was young so he would make an authentic pirate cosplay, which he rocked and still does to his day.

Deadshot on the other hand kept both of his eyes even though he doesn't need two of them, the man is a sniper after all and one of his eyes is closed like 90% of the time since he does nothing besides lying around, looking through a scope and waiting to shoot someone.

We could make this easy and say that they'll both start from a distance, which would mean that Deadshot takes this fight easily, Deathstroke would probably be able to dodge a few shots but he won't be able to dodge all of them.

If we make this a melee fight, that would mean Deadshot is getting absolutely destroyed and sliced into pieces.

If we make this a three round fight, it would be 1-1 now.

Let's pretend their third fight is from a moderate distance.

Deathstroke could easily use a few smoke bombs to throw off Deadshot and rob him of a clear sight, while managing to get closer to Deadshot.

Deadshot, although stupid but not too stupid would have enough time to move back and take a shot at Deathstroke, who may or may not be able to dodge it.

Let's not forget that our favorite Arkham Sniper also has hand cannons which he could use if Dumbstroke would come too close.

But Stroke's armor should be able to take the shots of the hand cannons, since every character in Injustice 2 does.

Once Stroke is in blade reach, it's game over for Shot anyway.

I've also forgotten to mention the fact that Stroke has some weird batclaw, that works a little differently than Batman's but would still be useful in disarming Dreadshot from a distance.

What's also very dreading about Undeadstroke, is the fact that this man is a Pensioner but still fights like a supersoldier (which he is, but still).

While his enhanced strength won't help him too much, his doped up speed will.

With that he will be able to close the distance while dodging Deadshit's bullets.

While this will make many Injustice 2 players mad, I still give the win to DadHadAStroke because all these Injustice 2 fans have to play Injustice 1 where he's actually part of the roster.

JK, that's not the reason why Dudestroke wins, the real reason is that he's just better trained, equipped and literally on superhuman drugs.

He also has a tank to make the only potentially good boss fight in Arkham Knight a complete disappointment.

Pretty sure that even Deadshot's overpower bullets won't pierce through that metal chunk of pure disappointment.

This is why DadStrokes takes the W and reignites this long forgotten book.

Tell me who I should put in the cage next so I can continue writing this book of unnecessary violence and unfunny jokes.


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