Let's Make It Right

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There are two types of tired, I suppose
One is a dire need of sleep
The other is a dire need of peace

Wilhemina's pov
After I left Charlie's house I scolded myself the entire rest of the night. I could hardly sleep, I just tossed and turned. How mad is she? Will she ever want to see me again? I only got so upset because I had a whole plan for telling her. Well that's not true, I wanted to come up with one though.

Aside from that, I feel bad that I just blew up on her. I've never done that to her before, I mean she's never given me reason to. She's always managed to effortlessly keep my walls down. Her bringing up my scoliosis just caught me of guard, to say the least. Not to mention the fact that it was in relation to diet.

Which means she's known for a while and did research on it. So in reality I should be happy, shouldn't I? That she knew and didn't treat me any differently or point it out? Did I ruin it all over again? I woke up this morning with the feelings of last might still lingering. I know she rightfully may not want to speak to me again, but I have to try.

She makes me feel like no one I've ever met before. What do I even say? I can't overthink it, so maybe I should just apologize. Ask her to come over? Apologize for what? She crossed a line. She was just trying to be helpful.

Hi... I wanted to apologize for last night

Yeah. Ok, that's good enough I think. That's about all I can do right now, I hope she knows I'm actually sorry. I get up and run through my morning routine, settling back down to check my phone. Nothing. I have to be patient, I mean maybe she's sleeping. Maybe she hates you. She could just be busy right now.

To distract me from my thoughts, I go to the kitchen to find something to snack on. I cut up some fruit and bring the bowl back to my room. Sitting on the bed and getting comfortable. As I reach for the remote my phone buzzes and I quickly detour to grab it instead.

Apology accepted

That's it? She's really gonna make me work for it, huh?

I was wondering if you'd come over today so we could talk about it?

Sure. I'll be there at 3

That was quick. I text back saying 'ok' and then immediately start panicking. What am I going to say? I didn't actually intend for her to come, let alone that soon. I just have to keep a level head, everything will be fine. I've got a few hours to get myself together, that's plenty of time.

A few hours later...

That was nowhere near enough time! I'm trying to fix my hair as I hear the doorbell ring. Fuck me! I just settle for a messy bun, which is probably the worst thing I've ever done. I make my way as quickly as I can to the door and open it for her. Everything I had prepared just falls away with the look she gives me.

All the defenses I built up to be able to talk to her have vanished. Realizing I'm probably not going to speak, she makes her way in. I close the door behind her and gesture for her to sit in the couch. "D-do you want anything to drink?" I ask softly, stuttering because I'm nervous.

"No, thank you. I'd just like to talk about why we're here" she asserts, "of... course. I guess I just umm- well I already apologized and-" she stops me as I start rambling. I never ramble! What is wrong with me?! "But that was what you were thinking wasn't it?" she asks in reference to that night, I assume, and I nod.

"So why did you run off? I don't get it" she mutters confused and I sigh. "I was scared" I whisper honestly, my breathing becoming uneven as I fight to be open.

Charlie's pov
I watch her carefully as she speaks, I know this is hard for her. I stay silent as she looks like she has more to say. "But you didn't come after me..." she whispers shakily, her voice so small I almost don't hear her. "That doesn't mean I don't care. I was just giving you space" I reason which doesn't seem to help. "I-I didn't want space... I— I needed you..." she admits, her breathing spiking.

"Hey..." I mutter as I scoot closer to her and reach out my arms. She turns away from me but I wrap my arms around her anyway. "You're ok... you're safe with me" I reassure her, whispering sweet things in her ear. She eventually finds her way to laying down in my lap. My left hand running gently through her hair while my right holds one of hers.

"I'm really sorry" she whispers, "I know, baby. It's ok" I reply softly. She pulls our intertwined hands up to her mouth and plants a gentle kiss on mine. "I hope you know this doesn't change how I feel about you, it never has. It doesn't make you any less sexy..." I run my fingers along her hip and waist making her shudder.

"I still find you just as beautiful as I did the first day I laid eyes on you" I promise and I see a little smile stretch on her face. The rest of the day we spend watching movies and snacking. Eventually getting some dinner and saying our goodbyes after. "Thank you... for everything" she offers, "I would do anything for you" I reply sincerely.

Without hesitation she propels toward me and presses our lips together. Our lips dance together, our tongues joining along. We pull away for air and I watch as she bites her lip. "See you later" she says questioningly, "definitely" I utter quietly.

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