I Want To Try

57 9 3

Your skin without your scars
Would be like the sky without the stars

Charlie's pov
It's been an interesting few months to say the least. I've noticed Wilhemina struggling to be vulnerable. Ever since we had that conversation, she's been acting weird. Again, I've tried giving her time but it's really starting to bother me. Not her necessarily, but the anxiety of what it could be.

"Hey, baby?" I grab her attention and she hums, "I have to go on a trip soon and I just need to talk to you about a few things" I say. "Ok..." she replies hesitantly, leaning back away from her laptop and giving me her attention. "So..." how do I word this? "I kinda feel like there may be something you'd like to tell me?" I prompt.

She furrows her eyebrows and I can see her closing up a bit. "Nope. Where are you going anyway?" she deflects, god, I'd have better chances cracking a damn diamond. "I have to go to New York for a week" I answer, "for what?" she continues. "I have some business to attend to" I reply, not really interested in dishing out the details.

She mutters under her breath before going back to her laptop. "Ok, look. I'm not sure what's been going on exactly, but I know it's something. I don't wanna leave and you're still... like this" I note, "like what?" She questions defensively and I roll my eyes slightly.

"Please don't do this right now" I sigh, "I'm not doing any-" I cut her off by kissing her harshly. She kisses back fiercely, her hands wandering to my hips. Bingo. I pull away slowly to look at her panting and staring into my eyes. "If you wanted to have sex, all you had to do was ask" I tease her and she blushes profusely.

"I said no such thing" she mumbles, turning her head away from me. I lightly grip her jaw to turn her face back to me. I lick my lips as my gaze locks on hers. "There's nothing to be ashamed of" I whisper and as I do, I realize just why she never told me. She looks down and starts playing with her hands.

"Hey... look at me" I instruct, enforcing my words with two fingers under her chin. "I think you're gorgeous. You don't ever have to be afraid with me, I'll never hurt you" I promise softly and she nods. "Could we maybe..." she asks without asking and I smirk. "Of course we can" I answer, allowing her to lead me to the bedroom.


I roll over on my back panting, turning to see her with a big smile on her face. She turns to me and smiles even wider, leaning in to kiss me. "That was amazing" she breathes out, "I'm glad" I reply. I reach up to run my fingers through her hair, taking the time to admire its softness.

"I love your hair" I whisper, "thank you" she accepts quietly. "It smells like vanilla" I add, "I use a vanilla and papaya shampoo" she explains. "It smells great. You smell great" I mutter, "so do you" she giggles. She scoots closer and lays her head on my chest, legs naturally tangling together.

I sigh contently as I continue running my hands through her hair and playing with it. She insisted to keep her shirt on, which I respected. So I kept my hands away from her back to not run the risk of ruining the moment. "You're the best person I've ever met in my entire life" she whispers and I smile widely.

Wilhemina's pov
That is the most idiotic sentence you've ever spoken. You sound like a child. "I feel the same way, baby. I'm still surprised someone as elegant and intelligent as you, is interested in me" she chuckles. Take that bitch. "Of course I am. You're the only person that seems to understand me" I voice softly, I never knew I could be this gentle.

"I'm glad I can make you feel like that. I always want you to feel safe with me" she says making me smile. "You make me feel all sorts of things I've never felt before" I mumble, "you do the same for me" she admits. A comfortable silence falls upon us, holding onto each other tightly.

Sometimes it feels too good to be true, so I hold her like it's the last time every time. "I'm not going anywhere" she whispers, only then do I realize how tightly I'm clutching onto her. I let go and try to move but she gently pulls me back. "You're not going anywhere either" she demands. Yes ma'am.

"When do you leave?" I ask, "in three days" she replies. "You said it was a work trip..." I say questioningly, "yeah" she replies softly. She's cheating. She wouldn't have sex with me and then leave to someone else. "Don't worry, I won't be gallivanting or anything. No fun whatsoever, unfortunately" she chuckles.

"Does your work involve a lot of travel? What do you even do?" I inquire, it's quiet for a moment and I tilt my head to look at her. She immediately meets my eyes and smiles softly. "I don't usually have to travel a lot. This trip is actually the longest I've taken in a while. I mainly work in finance for companies, sort of an accountant" she says.

"Oh ok..." I reply, "what do you do?" She asks softly. I can't believe we've never talked about this before. "I work at a tech company. I don't really have a specific title, but I'm mainly the head of HR" I answer and she hums in response. I yawn breaking the silence and Char giggles.

"I take it you're tired? Let's sleep and we can get dinner when we wake up" she suggests and I nod. I don't even want to try fighting sleep right now. Being in her arms is the most comfortable I've ever been; I can hardly keep my eyes open. "Good night, sweetheart" she whispers, "good night, baby" I reply softly.

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