Private Flights

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The heart is an instrument
Like playing the violin
Sometimes you brush the strings just right

Charlie's pov
It's time for us to fly to New York, so I'm on my way to Wilhemina's place. When she told me it'd be hard for her to get time off, I'd called Jeff. I'd already told him after I sent over the things that she's my girlfriend. I didn't want her to know of the company because as soon as she would look it up, my face would be there.

I let him know that when she asks he is to give her the time off, no questions asked. He obviously agreed and so here I am, walking up to her door. I unlock it with the key she gave me a while back and see her scrambling around. "Honey?" I call her and she turns around pretty quickly. I see her wince slightly, almost unnoticeable.

"Woah... easy there. What's going on?" I ask her, "I can't find a fucking sitter for Winona" she groans. "A sitter? I thought we were bringing her..." I reply confused to which she furrows her eyebrows. "But—I didn't get the papers or anything" she says starting to freak out more.

"Hey, hey... it's ok, baby. I already handled all of that. I just assumed you'd want to take her but if you don't I can-" "no!" she interrupts, her voice slightly raised. "Sorry... I meant, no. I- I want to take her. I didn't think I could" she explains, "well of course. Where's her carrier?" I ask.

She directs me to a closet and I grab it and gently guide Winona in. "Don't worry, sweet girl. You'll be out in no time" I promise. I look up to see Wilhemina smiling sweetly at me. I smile back and she walks over to plant a soft kiss on my lips which I return. We grab her things and load them up in the car, Winona sitting on her lap.

I drive us to the airport and someone helps us unload the bags. "Oh... there is something I may have forgot to mention" I grimace and she sighs, "well..." she prompts. As I was about to explain, the guy pushes open a side door. Wilhemina looks at me confused as I exit and she follows behind me hesitantly.

Upon seeing it her jaw literally drops and she blinks rapidly. "Should I pinch you?" I joke and she hits my arm. "Yeah so I forgot about this bit" I chuckle, continuing to walk towards it. I have to take her hand so she starts walking with me. "Ms. Dean" Ashby, the flight attendant, says. "Charlie is fine" I remind her, widening my eyes to emphasize it.

"This is my girlfriend Wilhemina, Mina this is Ashby" I introduce the two before we board. "It's ok if Winona is out, right? Felt like I should check" I ask the pilot and he nods. She's a pretty good cat so I know she won't be running around. We take our seats and it looks like Mina is still in shock.

"Where did this come from?" she asks suddenly, "well... I'm not sure where it was made, I'd have to ask" I joke. She jokingly narrows her eyes and slaps my arm lightly. "You know what I meant" she states, "I wanted to do something special for you" I shrug.

"Weird but... first class would've been more than enough" she states. I love that she's started voicing her feelings more. It makes me giggle that she thinks it's weird I like to treat her to things. "Yes, but that's much less private. Besides, people are always talking or things are playing. Not to mention Winona certainly couldn't have been with us" I point out.

Gently petting the little fur ball in Mina's lap. "Fair point" she agrees, placing her hand on top of mind of the arm rest. "Thank you... I can't imagine how much money you spent on this—just for me" she whispers. "Anything for you... and Winona. The money isn't important to me, you are" I voice to which she pouts a bit.

a few hours later...

The rest of the flight was pretty quiet, a few conversations here and there. We watched a movie and then we were ready to unload. I stretched a bit as we got off, taking in a deep breath. I took Mina's hand and we walked to the front of the airport where the driver was waiting. "Charlie" he nods, "Jerry" I reply funnily.

The bags are placed in the boot, Winona in the carrier on the backseat between us. "You seem to know everyone" Mina speaks, "well Jerry is my driver whenever I come here and I went to school with Ashby" I explain. "But also I like to get to know the... staff of places I go frequently. Makes the experience more enjoyable all around" I shrug.

"You and I are very different" she mutters, "I know, that's what I like most about you" I reply. She shakes her head while rolling her eyes, turning to look out the window. By the way she takes everything in, I can tell she hasn't been here before. It's all old to me but seeing the curious look on her face makes it exciting.

The ride is spent with me pointing things out to her. Promising to take her to a few places before we leave. She looks between me and the scenery in awe making me giggle. As I turn to tell her something she quickly presses her lips against mine. Pulling away she just smiles, a light blush on her cheeks. I love you.

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