Grin & Bear It

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To have someone understand your mind
Is a different kind of intimacy

Today is, unfortunately, the day of my parents' party. They've invited all sorts of high-end socialites and some of their work colleagues. Honestly, this is going to be more of a business party than anything. I'm really not looking forward to it but I need to at least show my face. Wilhemina, on the other hand, is quite excited but I can tell she's nervous too.

She wants to meet all my parents' friends and is hoping to meet some of my family. I don't wanna crush her little hopes so I just play into it a little. Though, I have told her it's not going to be what she expects. We get dressed and head downstairs as some guests arrive. "Oh my lord, Charlie Dean! How long has it been?" one of my mother's friends exclaims.

Not long enough. "Has to be a few years at least" I reply with a smile, "get over here! Let me hug you" she says. Except she comes to me and wraps her arms around me anyway so I hug her back. "Charlie" her husband says, "Rick" I reply. Or should I say dick? "Poppy, Rick; this is my partner, Wilhemina" I introduce her and she reaches out her hand.

They both shake it politely and Rick turns to me but I narrow my eyes at him. He knows better than to mess with me considering he knows I'm petty. I would not hesitate to rip that precious little stock in my company right out of his greedy hands. "Your partner... at which company?" Poppy asks, completely oblivious.

Rick walks off, already knowing where this is going, and honestly it's the most respectful thing he's ever done. "My partner, as in my girlfriend" I clarify, I feel Wilhemina grip my hand tightly and I glance at her and wink. "Oh... that's really nice, sweetie. You look a lot happier and that's all that matters" she whispers and I smile softly.

"You know, you and my James should get together sometime. He and his boyfriend have just moved in together and they're looking for friends" she suggests, "I'll think about it" I reply and she nods as she walks away seeming happy with my response. "Well... one down" I grimace, "that wasn't so bad" Wilhemina sighs.

Oh just you wait. At least a hundred more people come through the door, some of them pulling me to the side. They wanted to talk about stocks and how my sales have been doing. I entertained some while brushing off others. As I finally get back to Wilhemina, my stress coming to its peak, the door opens again.

I groan as I sit down next to her and close my eyes. "Umm, honey" she mutters, "yes..." I reply softly. "Get the hell up, you slacker" I hear and my eyes snap open. "Sarah?" I ask, "in the flesh" she says doing a little curtsy while brushing her skirt. "Ahhh" I yell causing a few people to look over, but I couldn't care less.

I pull her into a tight hug and she giggles as I squeeze her. "Ok, I feel hurt" Cate says and my eyes widen as I throw my arms around her. "Guys..." I pout, "you weren't supposed to be here for another like... 2 days!" I exclaim. "We might've fibbed a little... your reaction was totally worth it" Cate mutters and I pull her in again before letting go.

I turn to see Wilhemina eyeing the two women cautiously. "Winnie... this is Sarah and Cate. Sage and goofball, this is Wilhemina" I introduce them and it's quiet for a moment as they all look at each other. "Welcome to the shit show" Sarah speaks up, reaching out her hand. Wilhemina shakes it with a hesitant smile on her face.

"Ignore the knob, I'm Cate, nice to meet you" she says extending her hand as well. Once that's all out the way they all turn to look at me. "So... are we blowing this popsicle stand or what? I mean, great party but, it's... stuffy in here" Sarah comments as she pulls at her nonexistent collar, "I saw a nice bar on the way here" Cate adds.

"Wilhemina?" I prompt, "sure" she shrugs and I smile widely. "Meet me in the garage" I tell the two and they nod before heading that way. "Come on" I say reaching out my hand for Winnie to take. We head over to where my dad is with all the men. "We're gonna head out for a little" I tell him, "what you mean to say is you want to take a car" he smirks.

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