Other Side of the Game

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She had trusted many
But been unfamiliar with
Almost everyone but you
- Stevie Nicks

Wilhemina's pov
As I'm on my way back to work, I think about what just happened. I go to that place all the time and I've never once seen her. Furthermore, given that I'm a regular, no one ever approaches me there. I don't know exactly what it is but most likely my attitude, let's be honest.

Regardless, she did. Despite my feigned lack of interest, she persisted. Not letting the social distance between us sway her from interacting with me. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I don't get to talk to very many people and most times I like that, but I'm also human. I get lonely just like everyone else, it's just hard for me to express that.

Begging for attention has never been my forte. However, people don't just give me attention either. Not the good kind anyway. Yet she so easily sat with me and sparked conversation. Even though I barely gave her anything to work with. I've never had anyone show such interest in me. It's almost bewildering how playful she was with me.

Also all her compliments really got to me. At first I thought her intentions might not be sincere but she was actually really sweet. I don't receive very many comments other than the sexual ones from my bosses. It's nice to know that I caught the eye of a complete stranger. Then again, that's a bit of a problem.

When or if, I should say, she gets to know me; will she feel differently? I left her my number, so I suppose, if she was serious about what she said she'll text or call. I'm not one to dwell on things, well I'm trying not to do that anymore. So I'll just leave it up to her and whatever mysterious powers are at work.

I smile to myself as I think about how far I've come despite declining therapy. That's not the only thing though, I also think of how she looked at me. How soft her voice was when she was talking to me, yet it didn't feel condescending. She's a very beautiful woman, I have to admit.

I arrive at the office and sigh as I get out the car. I head up to finish the last bit of my shift. I took a late lunch today as we were so busy, I only have two hours left. I get to my desk and think about how I can't wait to get home and see my cat. I open up all the documents I have to finish and begin typing away.

*time skip to her getting home*

I make sharp turns around the corners, trying to get home as fast as possible. Getting out the car to quickly get inside before it starts raining. The storm came out of nowhere and I'm not in the mood to get caught in it. As I close the door behind me I smile a bit, happy to be home.

I take off my shoes and see Winona scurry up beside me. "Hi, darling. Did you miss me? Because I missed you" I coo and she brushes her head against my leg. "Alright let's head back" I tell her and she moves to grab my shoes. Carefully closing her jaw around the heels and prancing in front of me to the bedroom.

Once I arrive I take a seat on the bed and reach in the drawer for a treat. "Here you go, good girl" I hold out my hand and she gets on her hind legs to grab it out my hand. "Gosh I love you more than I should" I mutter and she just lays down enjoying her snack. I grunt as I stand again heading for the bathroom.

As much as I would love to take a bath, I fear I may fall asleep in it. I take a shower quickly as I'm eager to get in bed. I take my pain medication and then enter the main bedroom again. I slip on my most comfortable sleepwear and get into bed. I don't even think I have the energy to read tonight.

I yawn loudly as I move to a more comfortable position. Winona jumps carefully into the bed and curls up by my stomach. I stroke her back softly and she purrs in content. "I love you, sweetheart" I whisper and she softly meows in response. As my body begins to relax against the mattress, I can't help my thoughts drifting to Charlie.

I know I said I wouldn't worry about it and I'm not, technically. I just really want her to be serious, because I think I'd enjoy more time with her. I remind myself that I've done all I could do in the moment. She took me off guard, but at least I didn't completely close up. I begin drifting off to sleep with the woman on my mind, a small smile on my face.

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