A Much Needed Reunion

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I know there is hope in these waters
But I can't bring myself to swim
When I am drowning in this silence
- Adele

I figured that—no I hoped that this wouldn't affect me a lot, but it has. I mean, she wasn't lying about my family but, I do have friends. We don't talk as much as we used to but, that's life. I definitely don't have many due to my life being hectic for so long. Though I don't mind because the few I have are great.

Only problem being that they don't live here and, given my current state, a trip is in order. So for the last week and a half I've been distracting myself, planning a trip for us. Luckily they were all available, it's rare that we can actually do something like this. They refused to let me pay for it all so we're splitting the costs.

Deciding to rent an Airbnb for the weekend so we can all really be together. I've packed my bags so I'm all set to leave today. I'm driving there since it's not too far and also I'm not ready to get back in a plane. I don't particularly like them and the thought of a plane ride after what happened just makes me nauseous.

I know they're not connected but my brain won't allow that to be true. Anyways, it's a three hour drive and I love driving so it's not problem. All of them have to fly in because their either in a different country or state. I'm so lucky to have friends like them, that will literally fly to me when I need them.

5 hours later...

We're all sitting in the living room, drinking wine. I curled up on the couch, making myself a comfortable little corner. I play with the fuzzy blanket between my fingers as the room falls silent. "So... what's going on?" Cate asks, "nothing" I lie. "Hmm I sense you're lying" Helena adds.

"What are you, a lie detector? Can't I just wanna see all my friends?" I ask, "sure you can! But you wouldn't be so adamant that we all be here unless it was something serious" Cate points out. "You're not dying, right?" Sarah asks, "no! Wh-why would you ask that?!" I ask confused, "no reason" she shrugs taking a sip of her drink.

It all goes quiet again, they know how much I hate it being quiet. I know they're trying to force it out of me and honestly they're gonna win. "Fine. I broke up with my girlfriend" I sigh, "the redhead?" Cate asks. "You had a girlfriend?" The other two asks simultaneously, "not fair that Cate knew before me" Sarah whines.

"Well fine just leave me out of it I guess" Helena chimes in jokingly. "Well I didn't think it was... I don't know" I sigh, "so what happened?" Sarah asks. "Well I was on the work trip I told you guys about and all of a sudden she just stopped talking to me" I recall, still not really over it.

"So naturally her house was my first stop when I got off the plane. I wanted to check on her, you know?" I say, "makes sense" Cate chimes in. "And then she accused me of cheating" they all wince a little. "So I decided to walk away because the conversation wasn't going anywhere good after that" I voice, "smart" Helena comments.

"But then as I was walking out..." I sigh, trying to bring myself to say it. "Oh shit" Sarah breathes out, "she basically said I would inevitably come back to her because I didn't have any friends. Which is so not true, I just haven't found the right time to tell her about you guys. I mean you're really important to me, you're like family, and I wanted to be sure about her first" I explain.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not offended" Sarah chuckles, "yeah we can be... a lot" Cate giggles. "Hey! That's you guys, not me" Helena scoffs, "ANYWAYS. Back to the story" Sarah says and I nod. "Which brings me to the real problem. Her saying I don't have friends is whatever, you know. It was the comment about my family I-"

"Woah woah woah. I don't mean to interrupt—well I do, but still—she's met your family?" Sarah asks surprised, "no, that's the point. It's like... she said that it's obvious they don't care about me and she's not wrong. I guess... I mean is it really that clear that people who don't even know them can tell?" I ask.

"That's fucked up" Sarah says, "I have to agree with Paulson. Though I think—and I'm not taking her side—she was just trying to hurt you" Cate remarks. "Well she certainly knows the soft spots" Helena mumbles, "I know, and she did. I just don't understand why" I voice.

"Well what made her think you were cheating on her? Cause that to me is outrageous" Sarah comments. "Right! It was Clarissa... she came to my hotel room while we were on the phone. I obviously didn't even let her in the door but I think Wilhemina may have overheard us arguing. But I explained that to her and I told her the full truth but she still acted like that" I sigh confused.

"Well... you know what they say. People only accuse you of things they're guilt of" Helena says. "No... I know that's not it. She would never do something like that, I'm sure of it" I argue. "Charlie" Sarah mutters, "mhm" I hum, swirling my wine around. After a moment of silence I look up to see them glancing at each other.

It seems to me like they're all thinking the same thing and are debating on who will say it. "Just come out with it" I sigh, "well... given the way you're defending her, even after she said all those horrendous things to you" Cate starts. "It's obvious you love her, chickadee" Sarah says.

"Yeah... I do" I whisper, "oh poor baby" Cate sighs. She scoots closer to me and wraps her arms around me tightly. "I don't know what to do" I whine, "I hate to say this, like I will never condone this again. But simply due to how broken up you are over it, and because I hate to see you hurting. Do you think you guys could fix it?" Helena asks softly.

"I don't know, Hellie. I mean how do you come back from something like that? It's been two whole weeks and NOTHING. She hasn't called or texted, it's like she's forgotten about me" I cry. "I'm sure she hasn't, sweetie. I don't think anyone could forget about you" Sarah offers, "Tom and Macy can" I counter.

"Well they're idiotic assholes" she argues, "she has a point" Cate adds. "It's just—it really hurts" I whisper shakily, "I know" Cate mumbles. Before I know it I'm wrapped in a group hug on the floor. All of them surrounding me with so much love. For the first time in weeks... I don't feel alone.

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