Unexpcted Returns

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Some people come in your life
to teach you a lesson.
When they come back,
it's a test to see just how much you've learned.

"Hi Clarissa" I reply, taking my seat at the head of the table. A silence falls between us as she smirks at me and my parents look between us. My parents, Tom and Macy, weren't the most supportive when I came out. They eventually came around but, naturally, they felt they could control this as well.

They made sure it didn't get put into the media as if it would somehow ruin my 'image'. Once they realized I wasn't going to hide who I was, they orchestrated a plan. I didn't know at the time but they essentially set me up with a girl. The girl in question being Clarissa. We hit it off at first and I was actually really enjoying spending time with her.

Then I began to see similarities between our lives, more than normal. The only difference being that her parents had the money, not her. Then I started to notice how she seemed oddly comfortable around my parents. Even when I first 'introduced' them, but I didn't think much of it.

She's a very confident person, the issue was how much my parents liked her. How they seemed to know things about her too, given they didn't ask questions. I tried my best to ignore it but then our personalities began to clash. I didn't find joy in the relationship anymore, so I broke up with her. Which then started a whole shit show between the family.

They finally admitted to arranging the whole thing. Telling me that I 'couldn't' break up with her because they were planning to release photos to the press. Basically they figured if I was going to be gay, they could at least lessen the impact by making it be with a well-known and liked person.

I obviously refused and they took it upon themselves to try and coerce me into it. Making not only my personal life, but my work life, hell. It's the whole reason I moved, I needed to get away from them. "How have you been?" the blonde asked me, "fine. Aren't we here for business?" I counter to my parents.

For once I actually didn't want to talk about anything personal, not while she was here. "Don't be rude. She asked how you are, it's customary to return it" my mother voices. "Well, I don't particularly care how she's been. It'd be redundant for me to ask" I quip. "Charlie Justina Dean" my mother scolds and I just shrug.

"Macy, relax. Charlie, we need to discuss the sales reports and the recent merger offers as well as an offer to buy" my father speaks up. "I'm not selling unless there are very specific conditions. Given the increase in sales recently, there's no reason for me to sell. I also don't desire to merge with any company other than the ones I've previously stated on my report the last time you brought this up" I say.

"Yes, well, there's been a development. The buyer is offering 158.7 million and the mergers are coming from Kineros and American Express" he argues. "What?" I ask leaning in, what could these companies possibly want from me. "We thought you'd be interested once you heard. Figured it'd be better to discuss this in person" my mother snickers.

"Kineros feels that merging with Grace would benefit them in the market. Given that our software is labeled as ahead of its time and that's pretty much their target market. They would like to implement it into their new creations and improve some of their existing models" he explains. "Don't they make robots?" I question, I remember vaguely hearing of them.

"Yes. Our software can apparently be developed into speech recognition. As well as improve their efficiency when it comes to 3D printing complex joints. They're seeking to branch into ultra-realistic human prototypes" he elaborates. "And Express?" I question, "that's mostly for market exposure, I presume" he voices.

"Most of our products don't seem to benefit them in any way. Other than the fact that we've consulted with and aided other big brands in their line of work. I assume it's to tag onto some of our existing clients and try to establish brand deals" my mother chimes in. There she goes with the 'our' again. "Ok... and who's asking to buy?" I ask, my brain running a mile a minute.

Why does the name Kineros feel so familiar? "Well there's a two-part offer. Sovo and E & J Gallo are seeking to merge with this offer. So far only Sovo has put in on it so our estimate for the actual offer is about $500 million if things go well. We can negotiate up to that point anyway" he explains.

"I have to think about it" I reply, "think about it? That's a lot of money, Char" Clarissa adds. "Don't call me that. They're my companies and I'll decide what I do with them" I assert. "Aside for that, we also need to discuss something else with you" my mother says. Her tone alone implying that it's something I would rather not get into.

Before I can stop her she starts as she knows I won't interrupt her. "We want to ask you to move back. Given the recent increase in sales and the present offers, we can only assume there will be more coming in. It would benefit the companies if you could be on-site when needed" she states.

"If I'm needed I can fly in, I don't need to be here for trivial matters. That's what I hire people for" I counter, "as you said these are your companies. It's only right that you keep an eye on things" she argues. "Well lucky for me, I have the ability to do that from anywhere. I'm not interested in being hands on with everything when it's not necessary" I point out.

"Charlie you're being unreasonable" my mother scolds, "no you're being unreasonable. I have a life, I'm not just going to drop everything and move back here because you think it's best. I know my companies and I would know if I needed to temporarily relocate here. Now if you have nothing else to add, I'll be going" I stand up and push in my chair.

"We want you to reconnect with Clarissa. We've extended your trip for two weeks so you two will have time to catch up" my mother says. I immediately turn to my father who just grimaces apologetically. I then glance at Clarissa who has a smug smile on her face. "No" I reply simply and begin to walk out.

"Do NOT walk away from me, Charlie Dean" my mother exclaims, "would you rather I jog? Would that make you happier?" I quip. Proceeding to leave the office after, hearing my father trying to calm her down. I get to the elevator and tap my foot as I wait for it.

Just as I slip in, I notice Clarissa come in behind me. Before I can get out, the doors close and I sigh pressing the first floor. "You know, maybe it'll be good for us to start talking again. I did miss you terribly" she sighs dramatically. "Well I didn't miss you" I respond coldly, watching the floor numbers go down too slow.

"Don't say that" she whines, "I think you're just pretending. You've been all alone out there and I couldn't help but think about you. How you're probably lonely..." she comments, getting closer to me. "I'm not. In fact, I'm dating someone and I'd prefer it if you took a few steps back" I state firmly.

"Oh really? Who is she? I'd bet all my money that she's not better than me" she smirks. "Well that's where you're wrong, she's unexplainably better than you. Not to mention she doesn't care about the money, she cares about me. Besides, you don't have any money" I chuckle harshly.

Finally the elevator dings and I quickly scurry out and towards the front door. "You were never this cruel, Char. What happened to you? I bet it's that new girl you're seeing" she says. I then to face her and she stops abruptly to keep from running into me. "I don't want to hear another thing come out of your mouth. Especially if it's in reference to my girlfriend. You don't know her and you don't know me" I state.

Glaring at her to further my point before walking off. I get into the car and Jerry pulls off, having already been waiting for me. I check my phone and unfortunately I don't see any messages from Mina. I decide to text her once I'm back at the hotel so I can decompress.

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