The Beginning of the End

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If you must die
I'll envy even the earth
that wraps your body
-Albert Camus

6 months later

The pair threw themselves into work. The only way they knew to cope with the flurry of emotions inside of them was to act as if they weren't even there. Both thought it was best if they just got on with their lives as 'normal' and moved on. Yet neither truly moved on. Every time Wilhemina passed the coffee shop, she remembered.

Charlie was smart enough to avoid the places they frequented. A habit her subconscious had developed long ago, to protect her from any added salt to the wound. However, there was one place she couldn't exactly avoid. Due to her recent spike in activity at work, she became more involved in on-site productions.

Which meant frequent trips to New York and subsequently to her business she had taken the redhead to. Any time she gazed up at that building, she was reminded of the look of awe upon her beloved's face. Her Ex-beloved. So she would busy herself with her phone, her nails, anything to not be faced with it.

Neither of them tried contacting each other because there was nothing more they felt needed to be said. Charlie's parents did not feel the same. They had the overwhelming need to remind her of their previous warnings—rather her mother did. Her father on the other hand understood how she felt without her needing to express it.

Yet, during this dark time, Charlie found a sense of kindredness within Macy. A shift occurred, a retroactive one in fact. Charlie no longer had any motivation to keeping up the hard work she'd done on herself. And so clouds loomed overhead and the teachings of her mother returned. A woman once filled with love; now cold-hearted and ruthless.

It came as a shock to everyone—almost everyone actually. Macy was not surprised at all, if anything, she was proud her daughter 'grew a backbone'. The same could not be said for Wilhemina who, despite her efforts, was not her former self at all. She managed to keep up the outward appearance but inside? She was crumbling.

Wilhemina's pov
I've just been informed of my placement and so I'm gathering my things. Outpost 3 they said. I never thought I'd live to see the apocalypse but here we are. My mind has been on a rampage, my thoughts scrambled beyond recognition. I should be worrying for my safety, perhaps considering how I'll manage to keep Winona under control.

However, the only thing I find myself being able to think about—is her. It's been a while since she has been on my mind to this degree. I knew when we first met that she would always be with me one way or another. It's as if she branded me, her sweet smile and loving words forever ingrained in my mind and heart.

Then comes her last words—rather her last glance. I cannot seem to release myself from the hold she has on me and it is slowly breaking me down. I'm so mad at her for giving up and mad at myself for knowing exactly why she did it and not being able to stop her. As I pack the last of my things away, a singular thought screams about the others and I shudder.

She's going to die. She's going to die and I can't save her. After all this time, I still feel a sense of protectiveness over her. Despite the words that were thrown by both of us, I love her. For once, there's not a doubt in my mind that she loves me either. Of course it's too late and no longer matters at this point but it brings me some solace to feel that so deeply.

I open my door and there are guards waiting to take my bags. Everything is blur as I'm lost in thought, wondering where she is. The helicopter lands and I return to earth both literally and figuratively. I step out, being extra careful on the unstable terrain and I flinch as the sound of the alarms go off. I'm quickly ushered inside by someone, the others carrying my belongings.

I'm left alone in my room to settle my baggage and I just sit for a while. I stare at the wall, not really thinking of anything in particular. The thoughts fly by, none of them catching my attention enough to dwell on it. And, even though my head hums with millions of worries, I oddly feel like it's empty for once.

A knock sounds on the door and a gray enters. "The others will be arriving soon" she mumbles, "speak up when you are addressing me" I demand. A smile almost lifts on my face as I regain a sense of control over myself. "S-sorry, Ms.Venable. I said the others will be arriving soon" she repeats and I nod, standing up and flattening my dress.

"Sort my things. When I return everything best be intact and neat" I state coldly and she nods quickly, stepping aside to allow me passage out the room. I permit the smirk on my face to grow as I walk down the hall. I think I might actually be finding myself again and it feels good. I hear the chatter of the new residents and I sigh, taking a breath before I have to greet them...

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