Turbulent Times

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The part that hurts is the part that loved
- Anuj K Sharma

I wake up and stretch out a little, being slightly constricted by Mina's sleeping form. I brush the hair out her face and place a kiss on her forehead to which she scrunches her nose. I giggle softly and get up, fully stretching now. I slip on some house shoes and leave the room.

Glancing down the hall to see Cate rubbing her eyes as she closes the door. "Morning" I say cheerily, "mm good morning" she mumbles with her accent being more pronounced than usual. I jog over to the balcony and look down to see Jermaine. "Hey, Jerry? Could you get Cate and Sarah's bags out their car?" I ask and he nods with a smile.

"He'll send them up soon" I tell her as I get back and she nods sleepily. "We'll probably head out after that, we have a press junket today and then we fly out" she informs me, "awww ok. It was nice seeing you guys" I sigh. "It was a pleasure, darling" she mutters as she takes a few steps and wraps me in her arms.

"I'll never understand how you guys are happy to get up so early" Sar mumbles as she leans in the doorway. "Who said I was happy?" I chuckle, "fair enough" she groans. The elevator dings and I go over to pull their bags to them, thanking Jermaine who's downstairs. They go back in their room to get ready and I go grab my phone.

I call the masseuse for Winnie and by the time I'm done setting it up, the two are coming out. "Well... time for us to go kiddo" Sar says, "ew, don't call me that. You know I hate it" I groan. "I know. That's precisely why I do it, the look on your face is amazing" she giggles, "love you too, Paulson" I sigh.

"Love you, darling. We'll talk soon" Cate says giving me a kiss on the cheek. I go with them downstairs and send them off, heading back up to check on Mina. I see her stirring and I kick off my shoes to lay down and greet her. "Good morning, sweetheart" I whisper as I push hair behind her ears.

"Mm" she hums as she pulls me closer, nuzzling her face in my neck. "I called the masseuse, they'll be here in an hour and a half" I tell her, "thank you" she mumbles. "No problem. I figured you could get ready while I go grab you some food" I suggest. "Ok but five more minutes of cuddles" she moans, "yes ma'am" I giggle.

Eventually, she gets up and I go grab her some breakfast the chef made. Once she's done eating, the massage therapist arrives and I go up with her. "Hi, Wilhemina. I'm Petra" she says extending her hand and Winnie reciprocates it hesitantly. "Do I have to get naked?" she asks quietly, her voice wavering slightly.

I go over and put my hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. "You can take off as much as you're comfortable with. Though it does work best if I can have skin to skin contact. I promise you there's nothing I haven't seen before" Petra smiles softly. "Umm", "I understand being nervous, I'm a stranger and that's normal. Just know that I'm only here to help, no judgment whatsoever" she promises.

"Ok..." Winnie sighs, "I'll be right here" I assure her again and she nods. Petra turns away while she takes off her shirt, not having a bra under it. She slips off her loose pants and lays down on the table Petra unfolded. I kiss her cheek before she turns her head into the resting place.

"All done?" Petra asks, "yes" Winnie answers quietly. Petra walks her through step by step before she places her hands on her. I see her flinch a little at the first touch but eventually she relaxes and moans. "Sorry" she whispers, "you're completely fine. It happens all the time, means I'm doing my job" Petra chuckles.

"Just make sure you don't do it too well. Might steal her from me" I joke, "oh please" Winnie scoffs. My phone buzzes and I grab it quickly as Petra and Winnie start talking.

We need to see you downstairs

I groan softly to myself and text my mom back saying I'm busy. She responds saying 'now' and I roll my eyes. "Hey baby, I need to head downstairs real quick. Will you be ok?" I ask, "yeah I'm ok" she replies confidently. "Alright, I'll be right back" I say and she hums in response before continuing her conversation.

I hurry down and meet my parents in the office. "What was so important that you needed me to come down right this instant?" I ask annoyed, "take a seat, Charlie" my dad says. Whenever he's this serious, I know there's something I'm not gonna want to hear. I sit down with a deep sigh and close my eyes.

"I'm concerned for you" my mom says, "since when are you 'concerned' with anything but work?" I scoff. "Despite what you may think, I care about you, Charlie. I've been staying quiet about it because I hoped you'd come to your senses but I see that's not the case" she sighs, "will you just get on with it?" I groan.

"After meeting Wilhemina this weekend, I just—well I have some things on my heart. I feel like you're settling, Charlie. You could have-" "I could have what? Someone like Clarissa? Someone you choose? You can't dictate everything in my life and I am not settling. I love Wilhemina, end of story" I argue, standing up with every intention to walk out.

"Charlie, I don't care if you date Clarissa or anyone else. Just not her. You and I both know she's not good enough for you" she sighs, "excuse me? How could you possibly say who is and is not 'good enough for me'? You don't know jack shit about me. If you did, you'd know insulting the woman I love is WAY out of line" I exclaim.

"Please, Charlie. You're being unreasonable. That girl is nowhere near your level I mean, I don't get what you see in her. Not to mention the fact that she's not even physically able" my mother scoffs and my jaw drops. "I know damn well you did not just say that" I chuckle in disbelief, glancing between her and my dad.

"Macy, I think you should-" "shut up, Tom. Listen, Charlie. I know what's best for you, just listen to me for once in your life!" she yells. I hear footsteps coming closer and turn my head to see Winnie at the door with wide eyes. I glance back to my mom, still not believing she said what she did. I turn back to Wilhemina and take a deep breath.

"Tell Jermaine to grab our things and go to the car" I state and she nods before promptly leaving. I turn back to my parents and take another deep breath to make sure I stay calm. "I love her, and if you can't accept that then you just won't be seeing me. That being said, I'm leaving. Don't contact me unless it's to apologize" I state firmly.

"You can't just not talk to us" she scoffs and I chuckle heartily. "I said nothing about dad. It's you I was referring to since you think you can control any and everything. So help me god if you try to talk to me I will pull every. Single. Share you have in each of my companies" I threaten, "you wouldn't" she gasps dramatically.

"Try me, Macy" I counter, turning and leaving directly after. I get out to the car and tell the driver to take us to the airport. I get on my phone and call the pilot, telling him I'll pay extra since it's last minute. He tells me he'll meet us there and I thank him. I squeeze my phone tightly in my hand as I stare out the window.

I'm practically shaking with anger as I feel Wilhemina place a hand on my wrist. I release my grip and my phone falls in my lap. "Are you- would you like to talk about it?" she questions nervously, "not right now" I answer. She nods and intertwines our fingers making me smile briefly.

Once we arrive at the airport, the driver brings our bags over and we board the plane. As I feel the plane ascend I relax more, knowing that I'm putting great distance between us. That fact, unfortunately, does not stop my mind from spinning at a hundred miles an hour. What did I do to deserve this?

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