Good Nights

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And under the fluorescent lights
Your skin seemed to glow
Tracing the map of your veins
Was all I needed to know

We suffered through dinner with my parents last night and today I'm rewarding Winnie. I own a club in town that not even my parents know about. So I'm taking her there tonight as my little surprise. My original plan was to introduce her to my friends but they confused their schedules.

So we had to postpone today until a few days from now. Therefore making me extend our trip just a little, which I alerted Jeff and Mutt of as well. They definitely didn't take it without a fight but then again, they're literally children. So I sent them a few hundred dollars for coke and they let it go.

Wilhemina's pov
"Where are we going again?" I ask as I put on flats, per Charlie's request. "Don't worry about it. You'll love it" she smirks and I just shake my head and follow along.

time skip

I get out the car and look up, my jaw drops and I quickly turn around to glare at Charlie. "No fucking way" I exclaim shaking my head, "come onnnn, baby. You'll have a good time..." she promises. I can't deny her when she says it like that, not to mention how she's looking at me.

We walk in and I'm met with the smell of alcohol and cigars. Women half-naked twirling around on various poles. Others slightly more dressed, walking around serving tables. I grip tightly onto Charlie's hand as she leads us through the crowd. Finally, we stop at the bar where she calls someone over.

I sit as she orders our drinks and she climbs up on the stool next to me. We mostly watch people and have little conversations on the side. A few drinks in and I notice her getting a bit more touchy. I reciprocate the gestures and she seems to get even more riled up. "I have another surprise for you" she says in my ear and I furrow my eyebrows as she pulls away.

She holds up a finger for me and leans over, whispering something to them. They look a little shocked but nod anyway. She turns to me and smirks, taking my hand once more and leading me further into the club. We finally come to a door and she opens it, ushering me inside first.

"Sit" she demands, "umm what is this?" I ask hesitantly. They put their hand on my chest and push me back until I sit. "Relax" she whispers, a smirk etched on her beautiful face. I take a moment, as they walk to god knows where, to regulate my breathing. I definitely didn't get enough time before music starts playing.

She comes back in front of me and bites her lip. "B-baby" I stutter, my nerves twice as high as they usually are. "Shhhh" they hush as they slowly squat in front of me, my eyes following their every move. My throat going dry as her hands run up my thighs. "W-what if someone comes in?" I whisper, "they won't" she replies firmly.

"B-but you ummm y-you didn't lock the door" I reason, anything to keep my brain from turning to mush. "Awww are you afraid someone's gonna walk in on me fucking you? Are you shy, Winnie?" She whines, her hands moving all along my body. "I-" I cant speak as one of her hands starts to go up my dress.

"Oh I'm just kidding, darling" she giggles removing it, "but I do have something exciting for you" she adds and I release a breath. She turns up the music a bit and straddles my lap, my hands automatically reach her lower back. "Go ahead... you can touch it" she whispers in my ear as she gently grinds against me to the music.

My breath shudders but I follow her command, my grip loosely finding her ass. "Squeeze it" she instructs, again I listen, "harder" she moans. Without holding back I smack one and squeeze it harshly. "There you go, baby. Just like that" she whispers as she starts kissing my neck.

"Ch-Charlie" I breathe out, "yes, sweetheart?" She asks softly. Her head lifting from the crook of my neck so I can see her. I don't say anything I just look down her body and bite my lip. "Let's go to the bed" she suggests and I nod heavily. Wasting no time, she leads me to another room with a big bed and led lights.

"This is an interesting club" I note, "indeed it is" she smirks. "Now... where were we?" She mutters, her clothes being discarded in a flash. She falls back on the bed, spread wide for me. "Safe word is pink" I whisper as I climb on top of her, "pink? Ok" she repeats just how I taught her.

"Tell me whore... is there a reason you suddenly can't contain yourself?" I taunt as I place kisses along her body. "You really just do something to me, mommy" she breathes out causing me to shudder. She's never been this submissive before and that is doing something to me.

Charlie's pov
I know just what I'm doing to her and it sends chills over my body. Goosebumps prickling on the surface of my skin as her hands roam my naked form. "I can't wait to fuck you" she whispers, "then don't" I moan as she kisses my neck. Usually she would have some come back to that but today there's nothing of the sort.

Instead I feel her fingers run through my folds. We both moan as her fingers slip inside me. I spread my legs further apart and pull her close by her shirt. I look into her eyes as I moan loudly and I can tell how much it turns her on. I begin to pant as I quickly approach my peak.

"I wanna cum for you, mommy" I moan, pulling her into a kiss before she can respond. By the time she pulls away I'm so close I'm on the verge of tears. "Cum for me, sweetheart" she whispers softly and I do just that. Contracting and releasing on her fingers until my body fully relaxes.

She's never been that soft with me before, maybe I can try my luck today. She rolls over onto her back and I quickly get up to lock the door. I come back and pull the curtain closed that separates the make-shift bedroom from the main room. I want her to feel as safe as possible before I ask.

I come back to bed and lay next to her on my side. Gently running my fingertips along her arm, watching as goosebumps scatter across her flawless skin. "Baby..." I mutter questioningly, "mhm" she replies in a daze. I move to straddle her and lean down close to her face. "Let me make you feel good" I whispers, "yes, please" she answers quietly.

I smile softly and close the gap between us, kissing her softly as I cup her cheek. I start going lower, moving slowly so I can show her just how much I care. She moans softly as I kiss her neck, one hand resting on the opposite side while the other caresses her hip.

"Please" she whimpers, and if I wasn't so eager I would've teased her for it. I carefully move her to a sitting position and look into her eyes. "Are you sure?" I ask with a hand on her zipper, "yes" she confirms with a nod to go along. I pull the zipper down slowly, looking to her for any sign of discomfort.

Once it's down she lays back and shimmies the dress off herself. I look down at her and lick my lips, "beautiful" I whisper. Immediately heading to her chest to massage her boobs. Lucky for me, she didn't wear a bra tonight. I trail my kisses lower, making sure to check on her throughout.

I place my palm over her causing her to look down at me. "Can I remove these?" I ask and she nods, "please" she answers. I pull them off and kiss my way back up, resting her legs on my shoulders. I check to make sure she's comfortable before diving in...

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