Going 'Home'

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Just because we grew up around chaos,
doesn't mean we're condemned
to live with it forever.
We can change.

Charlie's pov
My last few days with Wilhemina went by faster than I'd hoped. I spent the last night at her house, per her request. We cuddled all night and I could tell she was sad I had to go, even though she never vocalized it. I was sad that I had to leave her but I couldn't just ignore this one.

I entered the airport and made my way through security. Trudging through crowds of people until I got to the sanctuary of the first class lounge. I'm grateful for the luxury of taking first class, it gives me the time alone that I need. I find a seat in a relatively secluded corner and sigh, getting my laptop and opening it up.

The flight there is mostly going to be me working as I've put most of it off for too long. Ever since I met Wilhemina I haven't been focused on work, rather, I've been neglecting it. A lot of people would kill for my job but I really just don't like it. Not to say I'm not responsible but it is a lot to own multiple companies.

I've been fortunate enough to find amazing CEOs to run them so I can kind of take my hands off the wheel. However, there are still some technical aspects that I have to intervene on. That's what my trip is for, given that I've ignored their countless emails. I open my email to hundreds of messages.

It doesn't worry me though, I get multiple emails a day about trivial things. I start to go through them until they call us to board. I close my laptop and get on the plane, settling in my seat before opening it again. The attendant comes by and I order a glass of wine to get me through the hell this will be. I search through for emails from the company heads and get to those first.

Most of it is just sales reports and a few checkups on employees and HR matters. None of it is too concerning, mostly just coworker disputes. They sent a few authorizations for hires and fires but it's just protocol. I fully trust them to handle day-to-day processes and they know that.

I check up on sales and how we look on the stocks and everything seems to be running smoothly. There were definitely a few hiccups but they solved them in a timely manner. Overall everything is pretty good by my standards. The only thing I'm genuinely concerned over is my parents' input on this.

They tend to be a bit more hands-on than I am. It works my last nerve but I know they're intentions are good. I quickly text Mina and let her know I'm in the air before getting back to work. I take sips of wine in between as I skim and delete dozens of emails. I know I should probably care more but most of this I don't need to handle.

The only thing I really need to assess is possible mergers and upper management. Soon enough we land and I shut down my laptop, slipping it in my bag. I get off the plane and grab my bags, heading towards the exit terminal. My driver is already here so I put my bags in the trunk and slip in the car.

"Good morning, Miss Dean" he greets me formally, "morning, Jerry" I reply softly. With that we're off towards the hotel and I check my phone on the way.

My baby 💜
That's good, darling. Let me know when you land safely. I already miss you so much... I have nothing to do without you here

I swear she's the sweetest. I text her back letting her know I've landed and I'm on the way to the hotel. I promise to call her later once I've settled in, hoping I don't have anything to do today. I see a text from my mom as well just saying to call her when I've reached. I roll my eyes and sigh tiredly, I know exactly how this will go.

I don't want to ruin my mood just yet but it's better to get it over with now. This call will go just like the others but if she finds out I was delayed in anyway, she'll lose her mind. To prevent us all the headache, I go to her contact and press call.

Hi mom
Oh hello sweetie. Your dad and I were waiting on you call, we're glad you landed safely
Yeah, I'm on my way to the hotel now
Lovely. We need you to stop in first to sign some things and we also need to talk to you
Alright. Anything else?
No that's it. See you when you get here

And with that she hung up and I told the driver to make a detour. Our conversations are always overly professional. We talk about nothing but work and that's how it's been since I've started my businesses. I know they only really talk to me for my money, at least for the most part.

I know, deep down somewhere, they love me. It's just that they rarely show it and are more focused on my business life than my personal life. I should be thankful they don't badger me with questions about who I'm dating or when I'm getting married. Though I do wish at times that they cared more about how I'm doing.

Not just how sales are this month or asking when I'll drop in to the office. I have a whole life and they don't really care for it. If they had it there way, I'd still be living here bouncing from company to company. We finally arrive and I ask him to just check me in at the hotel and take my bags up.

Afterwards, I get out and stare up at the building. Preparing myself for what I've been dreading the whole time I was planning this trip. I go in and greet people as I pass them, heading up to the top floor. I go in my office first to take a deep breath and then go into the conference room.

"Long time no see, champ" I hear, turning to see the person I least expected to be here. I look over to my parents who have the widest smile on their faces. I glance back at the woman I haven't seen for years and mentally repeat to myself that I have to remain composed. This trip is going to be hell on earth.

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