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My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite
- Juliet Act 2 Scene 2

Charlie's pov
Wilhemina seemed to really like the club last night after I... loosened her up. We had a few drinks, her more than me since I was driving. She seems to be a lot better now that she's going to therapy. Asking more questions instead of making assumptions. I'm really proud of her and I made sure to tell her that too.

"Charlie" my mother calls as I'm standing in the kitchen drinking my tea. "Yeah?" I reply as she walks in and starts making coffee. "Did you know you missed a meeting?" she asks, "this is a vacation, I'm not supposed to be working. Whatever it is can wait, if it was important I would've gotten an email" I point out.

"Every day is a 'vacation' for you, isn't it? Besides, it's not like you haven't ignored emails before" she counters, "well I've been on top of it recently. So, like I said, it's not important. I'm not arguing with you about this" I state firmly. "You need to visit today" she says, "no, what I need is a drink" I grumble as I pour another cup of tea.

I make one more how Mina likes it and then head upstairs without another word. I enter our room to see her just waking up and I smile. I set the cups down and sit down next to her, stroking hair out her face. "Good morning, beautiful" I whisper, "good morning" she yawns. I hand her the tea and she smiles gratefully before taking a sip.

"Have you figured out what you want to do?" I ask her, "umm not quite. There's so many options" she sighs. "We can do whatever interests you. We have plenty of time" I remind her and she nods slowly. "I do have something to check on later today but it'll only take me like half an hour" I grimace apologetically.

"Oh... can I just come with you?" she asks softly and I pout a little. It's not just the look on her face but the fact that she asked at all. I would love for her to come with me but I'm not sure if I can keep up the lie if I do. Why keep it up? Just. Tell. Her. "Um—I don't see why not I guess" I breathe out. Showing her just ONE won't hurt, right?

She smiles widely and gives me a hug which takes all my worries away. I wrap my arms around her and sigh contently. We both get ready and head out to the garage to get one of my dad's cars. "Is this where your car thing comes from?" she asks, "what do you mean?" I ask as I browse through the keys.

"Well you always have a different car and your dad has a lot too..." she adds, "ohhh I see what you mean. Yeah he sends me cars whenever I want to switch out" I tell her. "So when you told me you 'rent'..." she mutters, I know what she's implying. "Well I do. It's not a lease because I don't keep them long enough. I sorta 'rent' them from him" I explain.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asks as I slip in the driver seat after getting her in. "I thought you might think I'm a spoiled brat, you know? Having two rich parents and different cars every week isn't exactly normal" I chuckle as I start it up. "I would never think of you like that" she replies, "I know that now" I say with a smile.

"Anything else I should know?" she asks softly and I can hear how her voice breaks a little. Not like she's going to cry, just a testament to how hard it is for her to ask. "Well... you'll see one today and I assume you've been wondering why you've never been to my house..." I trail "wait... I have?" she recalls.

I pull onto the main street and start heading towards the city. "Well... that's the little house I have, as a place outside the city. I don't usually stay there though, it's more of a getaway from the noise if anything" I state and see her nod out the corner of my eye.

"My main residence however... It's definitely not as big as my parents' house, as I've never been a fan of such big places. Feels kinda empty when you don't have anyone to fill it, I think. But I have a penthouse and I thought you might ask how I can afford it" I admit. "And you didn't want to tell me about the business..." she finishes and I nod.

"I'm going to just finish this little errand first so we don't have to stop mid-day, ok?" I ask and she says she's fine with it. We pull up outside the building and luckily there's 'employee' parking on the street. I see her lean against the window and look up at the big building. Her eyes slowly raising higher and higher.

"What is this?" she asks as I help her out and she continues to stare up. "This... is one of my businesses" I confess and her head darts in my direction. "T-this—you own this?" she asks glancing between the tall building and me. "I promise they're not all this big" I chuckle nervously as we walk in. "Charlie this is- holy shit" she stutters while entering the elevator with me.

"What is it for?" she asks curiously, her eyes wide. "It's a fashion company, so basically we collaborate with brands to organize shows. We also help market for their newer projects and help them find models occasionally" I explain as I watch the numbers go up. God I hate it here. "I can't believe you- well that this is yours..." she mumbles.

"Yeah, another reason I don't like telling people. It's kinda hard to see me running a company, even for me. But you know me now and... I trust that it won't change how you see me" I say turning to her and she nods quickly. "I just think you're even more... cool? God I sound dumb" she shakes her head while chuckling.

"No I like it... I think you're cool too" I reply and she smiles softly. We finally reach the top floor and I tell her she can sit in my office. There isn't anything in there in case she snoops and no one will bother her. I go over to the CEO office and knock before entering. I talk to her about a few things and ask about any important updates.

I check her computer to see the recent company activity, employee productivity, and things like that. Once I'm satisfied, I thank her and remind her that she can always call me. I go to my office to see Wilhemina there sitting on her phone. She looks so cute behind me desk... we'd be amazing running them together.

I shake my head and walk over to her, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Oh, hi! I was looking at some places" she says showing me her phone. I nod and we leave to go to a few of them before heading back to the house and ordering in.

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