Navigating Winding Paths

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She never looked 'nice' she looked like art and art wasn't supposed to be nice
It was supposed to make you feel something

Charlie's pov
As I drive to the restaurant, I feel the jitters rising in me. I can't believe she's actually agreeing to go through with this. I asked her out in a moment of unexpected confidence. It's not that I'm overly nervous, I mean I'm reasonably anxious. She's the most exquisite being I've ever seen.

Being in her presence, even briefly, was such a memorable experience. If I'm honest, I'm just afraid I'll make a fool of myself. Hopefully she has a good sense of humor. I arrive outside and look around to see if I can spot her. I check the time, 7:55pm, alright I guess we're doing this.

I get out and adjust my slacks so they fall properly. I glance at my blazer and decide to just lay it over my arm for now. I slip my compact wallet into my pocket and close the door before locking it. I walk towards the building and stop just outside as I wait for her. Not even a minute later a car pulls up and a man comes to open her door.

I'm not embarrassed to admit I almost drool at the sight of her. When we first met she was wearing a gorgeous deep purple suit. Tonight, however, she dons a lavender almost periwinkle dress. It hugs all her curves and stops just above her knees. A little slit on the side going up her left thigh.

Her hair is down, flowing in the wind as she turns to grab her bag. She has it parted down the middle, all of the front pieces pushed behind her ears. As she walks towards me I stand up straighter and smile. She smiled shyly at me in return as I open the door for her. I offer her my free arm and she takes it, locking them gently.

"Reservation under Dean" I tell the hostess, "yes ma'am, right this way" she replies. She grabs menus and silverware, guiding us over to a booth. We sit across from one another and I just stare at her for a moment. "You look magnificent" I tell her, "thank you, not so bad yourself" she smirks.

It's quiet between us as we both scan the menu. We don't talk much until we order and then a silence lingers. I start up the conversation asking her about herself. What she likes to do and if she has any specific passions. She tells me about her hobbies and that she has a cat named Winona.

As she talks I just admire her, all her facial expressions. When she talks about her cat in particular, her eyes light up. Could she get any cuter?! The rest of the night is filled with laughter and light discussion. I learn quite a bit about her and divulge some information about myself as well.

I see her intention to pay but quickly beat her to it. She rolls her eyes but fails to hide the blush on her cheeks. Once I get my card back I stand up, grabbing my jacket and reaching my hand out for her. I notice goosebumps littering her skin as she accepts my hand. "Are you cold, love?"

Wilhemina's pov
"Are you cold, love?" she asks me softly and I blush even more at the name. Does she not know what she's doing to me?! "A little bit" I reply honestly and before I can object she slides her jacket onto my shoulders. I don't miss how she lays it on my body so carefully. Making sure not to touch me unnecessarily.

She smiles and puts her hand in her pockets as we walk to the exit. Again she holds the door for me and my gaze averts to the floor. I realize now that I was so immersed in getting to know her, that I failed to remember telling my driver to pick me up. I sigh softly and reach for my phone.

"What's wrong?" she questions, her voice even more gentle than before. If she's trying to get in my panties, it's working. I chuckle in disbelief at my thoughts but smile gratefully as they could quite literally be worse. "Nothing, I just forgot to call my driver" I answer, "oh. Well I could take you home if you'd like... my car's over there" she points.

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