Curious Propositions

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You lift my heart up
When the rest of me is down
You enchant me
Even when you're not around
- Sam Smith

Wilhemina's pov
I've been doing really well in therapy, Charlie even came with me a few times. We're learning a lot about each other and I'm just so grateful we're making it work. I've been being conscious of my thoughts and emotions, trying my best to talk it out first.

It's been hard since I'm not used to it and sometimes Char has to force it out of me, but in the end it's been working out. Overall I've been feeling a lot better and I'm learning to trust, not just Charlie either. I have been thinking a lot though, since I've started really improving.

I realized I kind of have Charlie to thank for all of this. She means so much to me and I love her more than I can ever explain. Which got me to thinking about our future together. I started imagining how it would be for us to live together full time. I mean we already spend weekends and even some nights during the week together.

Any time I ask her to come over she's literally on her way within minutes. I try my best to cater to her as much as I can, considering how sweet she is to me. I'm beating around the bush; the point is that—I think I want to marry her. I haven't looked at rings or anything but I'm pretty much set on it.

In addition to that being at the forefront of my mind, work has been getting busier. They merged with a company without telling me and won't give me any information on it. All I know is that there's been an influx of parts coming in and hours are being extended. I know they're making new robots because they've been talking about it for a while.

They could never make effective prototypes because they lacked the technology. I can only assume that this new merger gave them the missing piece they needed. As I'm walking out to my car to head home I start thinking of Charlie again. I wonder if she can come over tonight. She always seems to be available and that makes me feel weird.

I hope she's not putting aside things whenever I call her. Though the thought of that makes me feel warm inside, that she'd care enough to do that. Then again, I'm not quite sure what those duties even entail. I know she said she had businesses and I assume they must be local. So does she spend the day visiting them?

I slip in the car and turn it on, setting my things aside with a sigh. I call Charlie using the speech command and she says she'll meet me at my house. We talk for the rest of the way but I can't help but to let my mind wander again. Why do we never go to hers? I brush it off thinking that maybe my house is just cozier or something.

It is pretty big so it could be that she prefers the space. I pull up outside to see a car outside that I assume to be Charlie's. My thoughts are confirmed when I see her get out and wave at me. Yet another thing. Do not overreact Wilhemina. I get out and lightly smile at her, she grabs my things out the passenger side before approaching me.

"How was your day?" she asks happily, she always seems to be in a good mood but today it's off the charts. "It was alright..." I mutter, unlocking the door to let us inside. She pets Winona and receives a soft purr in response. I watch her set her things down and come closer to me, reaching out her arms. I allow her to hug me, lightly draping my arms over her.

"Charlie... I have to ask you something" I start cautiously, "alright, go ahead" she replies calmly. "It may sound silly but... I realized you almost always have a different car every time I see you. Why is that?" I ask. She hums and nods, "well I rent instead of buying. I'm quite indecisive but I've been thinking about settling on one" she answers.

"Ahhh ok" I chuckle, see? Nothing to worry about. "Oh by the way... I would've asked you earlier but—well, you know. Anyways, my family is having this thing in two weeks and I was wondering if you'd wanna come? You don't have to, of course, but if you'd like to I'd love for you to be there" she proposes. I stare at her for a moment as she just smiles softly at me.

"Well I—getting time off work would be hell" I point out, "you'll never know if you never ask; but if you don't want to go, you can tell me. I want you to be comfortable and they're a lot to handle sometimes" she voices. "No I'd umm- I'd be up for it. I'll ask for the time off tomorrow" I promise.

"Lovely! I just know you're going to love it there. Though we should probably talk about some things beforehand—just so you're not ambushed" she chuckles and I nod. She tells me of her mother's temper and sarcasm. Her father's indifference but how he's also very inviting in his own way.

She doesn't have any siblings but she is close with some of her cousins. Though she also mentions how she never got along with people her age. Mostly looking to elder figures in her life for guidance and companionship. Afterwards, she lets me know she has to make a call and I decide to order food for us.

Once she's out the door, I begin to panic a bit, my hands getting shaky. I mean I'm meeting her family after such a relatively short time. Not even counting when we weren't technically together. Did she tell them what I said? Given the relationship—or lack thereof—she seems to have with them, that's unlikely.

I just worry that I'll say the wrong thing or they won't like me. In all honesty I don't care about that, it's how that'll affect Charlie. She wouldn't break up with me over that, right? I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see her smiling at me. I love you. I simply smile at her and she walks around to sit next to me as I order the food.

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