chapters 5

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Lyons POV
I knocked on y/n door I heard her get up. "Who is it" she said sleepily. "Your boyfriend " I yelled back at her. "OK! Come in" she yelled I walked in to see her in the kitchen and some dude laying on her couch. "Who's this?" I said shooting her a look that's says 'who in the freak is dis'. She looked at were I was and saw who I was talking bout. "Oh that's hajime were really old friends." She says looking at me "oh ok" I said walking over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She was cooking pancakes. "Need hel-" hajime started but stopped his sentence when he saw me. "Y/n can I talk to you." Hajime said looking curious. "Yea" y/n said walking over to hajime they walked upstairs.


"Y/n who's that" hajime asked."oh you mean Lyon" I said back."yea who is that to you?" Hajime asked "oh Lyon is my boyfriend." I said looking at him. "Has he hurt you in any way" hajime asked protectively. "No he hasn't " I say. "Oh ok........ You get it girl!!!!" He cheered me. I laughed a bit. And walked back down stairs. Lyon was cooking the pancakes smiling. "What are you smiling at?" I asked him. "You get it girl!!" Lyon repeating what hajime had said. "How did you even hear him?" I asked blushing. "Well being that he was yelling happily its pretty impossible not to hear him" Lyon said laughing. "Oh be quite" I said playful punching his arm. He just smiled. I took the pancakes off the pan and gave everyone some. We ate and talked on and on about stuff like how me and Lyon met
~~Flash back ~~
Well it was when I had first joined fariytail I saw Lyon fan girling over juvia when they first came back from the 7 year period that they were gone. Everyone was crying and stuff I just sat in the corner and watched them. When natsu walked over to me he looked me dead in the face. "Who's this?" Natsu said pointing at me. I hid my face with my arms hoping no one heard him being I didn't know any of the people who came back from the island. Romeo looked at me "oh that's y/n she joined when y'all were gone." Romeo said. "Hey natsu guess what magic she uses too" romeo said. "What?" Natsu said looking at romeo. "Fire!" He said. "Oh really now" he said looking at me. "Ehhhh????? Don't kill me" I whispered only loud enough for him to hear me. He smirked "I got a question" he said looking at me. " yea??" I said uncovering my face looking at him. "Wanna fight?" he said everyone in the guild looked at me and him as we took our posions out side the guild. "Ready? Y/n" he asked looking excited. "I guess" I said. I surrounded my legs and arms with fire and breathed in. Everyone watched me and natsu. "Fire dragon roar!!" He called out as a burst of falmes shot from he's mouth before it hit me I jumped up in the air using my fire magic and boosters to help me jump higher. Natsu watched me fly upwards. A magic circle came from my hand and a busrt of orange flames shot from the circle. I landed back on the ground and watched in shock as natsu ate my flames. He smirked "now im fired up" he said whiping his face. I smirked at him another magic circle came from my hand and green flames shot from it natsu ate this one too but when he did it made him want to throw up as he ate the disgusting fire I flew up with fire coming from my feet and let fire in gulf me and I spun spiral and flew strait at him he was just eating up the last bit of fire my I slammed right into him. My fire hit him I pulled my fist out which was blazed with fire and uppercut him with such force he flew up in the air I used my fire magic to fly above him and kick him down. He hit the ground with a loud bang. I my magic power ran out "damn" I thought as I started to fall to the ground.  I felt someone catch me I saw Lyon there holding me bridal style. I blushed a bit grey, erza and Lucy took natsu to the imfremery. "Hi I'm Lyon" he said setting me down at a table."I'm y/n hey thanks for catching me but I think I really need to check on natsu will you come with me please..." I asked him. Lyon smiled at me "sure I will" he said.

~~End of flashback~~
I blushed remembering that. Me and hajime and Lyon spent the rest for that day together laughing.

A/n so how'd you like this chap its not all that great but I'll make sure to do better on the next chapter.

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