Lucy vs Y/N! Let the training begin

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(The picture in the last chapter was the outfit he wanted you to wear)

    Your POV

I got dressed in that little things Lyon wanted me to dress up in,  and I am currently  running down the streets of magnolia trying to get to Lucy as fast as possible. I stopped nice I reached the guide doors and kicked them open. 


I yelled in pride,  smiling.  The whole guild looked at me in shock.  My eyes found Lucy,  she was smiling to herself.

"I accept your challenge Y/n     L/n! "

Lucy yelled back pointing at me. I smiled. 

"then let's go. "

I Smiled a matsu smile.  I grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her out of the guild.  Era, natsu, happy, Wendy,   and gray quickly following behind us. Once we made it into a clearing I let go of Lucy and made my way to the other side of the field while team matsu and Wendy stand on the side lines.

"I cheer for y/n Lucy's just not up for it. "

Happy said putting a slip of paper into a box.

"shut it cat! "

Lucy yelled back. 

"sorry lucy"

everyone but natsu said in unison.

"really! "

Lucy yelled. 

"come on Lucy you can do it! "

Natsu cheered. Lucy looked back at Natsu and smiled.


She cheered.  I smiled it was so kawaii.
'i ship it'

"you ready? "

I asked smiling at her. 

"I was born ready"

We smirked. I closed my eyes concentrating on my magic power, Building it up letting it surround my body.  I Opened my eyes and charged at her.  Swinging my fist. 

"fire fist!"

I yell out as the fire becomes more concentrated on my right fist.  I swung at her.  She dodged it pretty swiftly then did a couple back flips to put some space between us. 

"hmph that won't help you! "

I yell charging at her with no rest.  I swung my left leg at her,  the fire becoming more concentrated there.  I nailed her dead in the face.  She flew back and hit the ground.  I stopped to catch my breath as Lucy stood up.

"open gate of the lion!  Leo!"

She called out swinging her arm out in front of her with Loki's key in hand making and unlocking motion. A bright light shown and quickly faded. And there stood Loki the lion.

"let's get her Loki!"

Lucy yelled pulling out her whip. 

"what's the rush we could go out for dinner somewhere Lucy dear"

Loki said beside her pushing up his glasses with one finger. I Sighed.

"we don't have time for that! "

Lucy said in a annoyed manner. Loki looked at me.

"oh right sorry I forgot she was there."

Loki said smirking.

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