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Your pov

I woke up I was in some ones arms I looked up too see Lyon there

"L-lyon what are you doing here?" I asked he looked down

"Uh well you see I heard you went on a mission here and so I thought I'd come too see how it was going. Anyways we need some help with erza she's not doing so well."

"Whats wrong with her?"
I asked worried

"Well she was poisioned and its getting really bad".

I jumped out of his arms and found erza laying on the floor her bottom half of her body was a dark purple and it was spreading quickly.

" I guess it was going to have to happen some how...... EVERYONE BACK AWAY FROM ERZA!!!"

I yelled at them they all gave me curious looks.

"We can't she's going to die don't you understand  it Y\N  she is going to die"

Lucy said in my face
I gave her my 'I'll miss you' look she gave my a curious look and moved out the way I bent down in front of erza and put my hands over her and whispered word of healing my hands grew a light green color
"Fariys heave my call help me with this dieing one she is dear to us all of us if she dies the  guild slowly is poisioned with something I can't fix please hear me answer me!!!" Yelled the air around me and erza changed and bright golden lights appeared fariys slowly walked out of them and chanted a language only I could understand. Bright golden lights filled the air around erza and the poison started to turn golden  and fill the rest of her body I chanted the words of the fariys. The lights went away and erza slowly opened her eyes.

I'll miss this guild and everyone in it the master, the old master, erza, natsu,grey,happy,Lucy,mirror, Wendy,Carla,juvia,gajeel,levy, everyone I just hope they know I love them all I would have been lost without them
And Lyon I love you with all my heart I hope we will be able to see each other once more hajime you were my pass and you meant the world to me i hope you have a happy life I hope everyone will life long and happliy and guys please don't morn on my grave I couldn't bare the tears of my companions on my grave.

"I was dead how did you--" she went quite when I gave her that 'I'll miss you' look then my life flashed before my eyes and I fell into the darkness of death.

Lyon pov

A bright blinding light consumed erza and Y\N and when it was gone erza was awake and Y\N was passed out I ran up to them erza was holding Y\N in her lap. "What happened are you ok? Is Y\N ok?" I was freaking out. Erza looked up at my with a frown
"Sh-she saved my we s-switched places she didn't have to I was ready for death" erza started tear up alittle I knew what she meant immediately "n-no Sh-she can't be i-im not ready yet" I stumbled back tripping on everything. Natsu,Lucy,grey,and happy ran up to us "what's going on what happened?" They all stopped when they saw erza awake and crying over a not awake Y\N.

"Is Y\N ok?" Lucy asked quietly.

"SHE DEAD LUCY SHE FUCKING DEAD!!" I screamed at her "AHHHHHH WHY DAMNIT WHY!" I was pulling the hair out of my head crying. my heart was shattered into a million pieces.

Lucy pov

"Is Y\N ok?" I asked quietly.

"SHE DEAD LUCY SHE FUCKING DEAD!!" Lyon screamed at me. My heart shattered I covered my mouth I felt a tear slip though my eyes and ran down my fingers. "AHHHHHH WHY DAMNIT WHY!" Lyon was pulling his hair out and crying really badly he fell to his knees everyone was still taking in what had just happened. I broke down crying and fell to my knees "n-no that can't be I said that it would go well I said she would be ok and everything was going to be alright." I choked up covering my face with my hands happy flew next to me and cryed in my lap everyone cryed next to Y\N. I examanded her features one last time her H\L H\C hair was sprawled everywhere she laid in my lap now "I'm sorry Y\N I'm sorry I couldn't help you I'll miss you so much." I said holding back more tears I felt one tear fall on her face I wipped it away and kissed her fore head and layed her in grays lap

Grays pov

It was my turn to say good bye to Y\N I held her in my lap hugging her body tightly "i will miss you so much i-i I miss when I would text you in the middle of the night and you would always awnser and you would always help me sleep" I laughed alittle "gosh I'm going to miss you so much" I hugged her on last time and kissed her cheek and passed her to Lyon.

Lyons pov

I held Y\N close to my heart I never wanted to let go. "I-i-i never wanted to say go bye why WHY DAMNIT I LOVE YOU TO DAMN MUCH TO LET YOU GO" tears fell from my eyes on her face "I love you always know that you will always stay close to my heart" I kissed her and passed her to natsu and happy

Natsu pov

I held her body watching her for a minute. "Kind of think I only fought you once hehe your fire tasted good though I'll miss you your fire will always burn bright in my eyes. " I kissed her hand it was happy turn he flew over and sat on her stomach

Happy pov

"I'll miss you so much I'm also really happy that you enjoyed it when I carried you that one time it was funny when you were around oh and thank you for when you tried to hook me and Carla up even though she wouldn't budge I'll miss you alot good bye Y\N" I hugged her arm and flew her to erza.

Ersa pov

"You didn't have to do what you did I would have died a peaceful death now I'll never forgive myself for getting injure.  you were way to young to die this way you will burn like the sun evertime I see the sun I'll think of you. you are brave courageous you died saving your comrade you are very important to me and I'll never forget you. May your name be known throughout the land" I decorated her hair with flowers and we sent her body away in raft in the river. We shot flares into the sky.

Lyon stayed at the river while we had to go back to the guild we walked in with straight faces

Lucy pov

Everyone was eyeing us Wendy walked up to us "weres Y\N guys" I felt a string in my heart being pulled I could feel the tears in the back of my ears.

"She died saving me" erza said walking to the old master.
"Wha I don't think I  heard her right." Wendy said.
"She's dead wendy" I said one tear fell from my face I kept my face straight though. The whole guild gasped. "That can't be. hehe right?" Romeo said running up to us.

"Sadly it is" gray said wipping a tear from his face.

Juvia ran up to gray "its okay gray I'll be here for you" she said. He collapsed in her arms crying all over again which made her death positive to the others.

Days later her name was scratched into the the history of fariy tail and that guy who draws, drew her it was her with team natsu. In the picture we were all playing around. We hung a the picture in the middle of town.


no this is not the ending of the book matter of fact it's only the beginning cliff hanger mwahahahahahahhahaha
This chapter was very sad though oh and I'm probably going to update again tonight that means triple update ♪♥♦≈★«
Stay majestic

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