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Your pov

I layed hajime to bed and covered him up. I smiled at his sleeping figure then went to walk out the door.
"Good night little sister."
I smiled to my self.
"Good night big brother."
I said softly then walked out his door shuting it behind me.
'It's been a long day'
I thought as I tip toed up stairs to my bedroom. I opened the door and picked out some clothes for me to wear to bed. I placed them in the bath room then went over to my bed picking up the envelope. I nervously placed it on the stool next to the tub. I striped the sweaty clothes off of me. I stepped into the tub and sunk into the warm water letting my head sink into the water. I came up soon after. All though I could stay under forever letting the warm water wash over my body washing all my earthly sins away. I sighed nervously and picked up the envelope and gentally opened it taking out the letter. I scanned over the paper.

"My dearest Y/N,
I would like to meet up with you at the park bentch where we first met at hmmm let me think 11 tomorrow. Oh and dress casual, being you you'd probably get all worked up and dress like a queen lol well see you then.

Love, lyon"

I smiled to myself.

"Oh lyon of course I will meet up with you at 11 tomorrow."

I said happily. Knowing he couldn't hear me. Then it hit me I had practically that day with natsu.

"Looks like I'll have to call it off with natsu."
I said slugging my shoulders. I set the note back on the stool then washed my hair with shampoo scrubbing like crazy. I dipped my head under washing out the shampoo then washing my body down with body wash. Once I was down with the bath I drained the water and dried off with the towel. I put my clothes on and jumped into bed soon I was off to dream land.

Lyons pov

I picked up the note and read it aloud to myself sitting on my bed.

"My dearest lyon,
I was wondering if you'd like to meet up with me at 11 at the park where we first met tomorrow It's really important so it'd be nice if you could be there lol dress casual nothing to big.

Love, Y/N "

'Hm I wonder what it is'
I thought to myself. I went to bed soon after that.

????? Pov

"Looks like my plan is working mwahahahaha"

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