senka v.s. Y\N

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yea i know this picture sucks sorry for that

we all paired into our fighting groups. The lady walked up to me "Hello Y\N I'm senka" she laughed. I gave her a confused look. How'd  she know my name? "It was easy I just read your shadow."she said smiling evily. "Interesting"
She smiled at me.
"Tch" I threw a punch at her she easily dodged it, and grabbed my hand and flipped me over. I gasped for air. I stood up, And smiled at her. "This should be fun" I smiled at her. I ingulfed my hands in flames. I growled at her. "Come at me BI***" I yelled at her. " no I think you'll come at me" she said and moved her finger geustering I come at her. My body moved by its self. She hit me right in the face. "What was that I didn't move my legs they moved by themselves" I mumbled shocked. "yes I control the shadows " she smiled evily. "With your type of magic there's no way you can beat me." She said giving a cocky smile. "Crap" I whispered to myself. I looked at the walls of the guild there where cracks in the walls making sunlight pour though. I ran to the crack in the wall. She looked at me confused. I grabbed a chair and covered the cracked in the wall blocking the sunlight. She grunted frustrated. I smiled at her and threw a punch at her not using fire. It hit her dead in the face. She stumbled back a little shocked at the stamina I have. There was a mark on her face. She looked pissed as she traced the mark on her face. She gave a 'you bit**' look and ran at me when she was going to hit me she disappeared and a swarm of black energy formed around me making me stumble back. The black disappeared and she hit me from behind. I fell forward. I got on my hands and knees. She just kicked me back down her foot on my back.  My body ingulfed in flames I went to stand up she used my shadow to throw me across the room.  my flames still bruned. When I hit the wall I heard a snap I winced in pain. "My wrist" I mumbled quietly. "You see there's no way you can beat me." She said evily. I growled my flames growing brighter. She used my shadow made by my flames to make me punch myself in the face. I winced again. Dang my pimp arm Strong. I thought in shock of the impact of the punch. My flames kept growing brighter casting my shadow at longer distances. She stopped on my shadows head making my head feel intense pain. I scream in pain. Then started to growl holding my screams of pain.  My flames grew so bright that you couldn't even see anything that means no shadows. I ran at her punching her dead in the face. She stumbled back "were are you you little bit**" she screamed at me holding her eyes to shade her eyes from the blinding ligtht. I used my flames to increase my speed and ran at her kicking her feet from out from under her making her fall to the ground. I kicked her repeatively in the stomach. She grunted in pain. I punched her in the face. Ingulfing my fist in flames. When I was done. The lighting went back to normal and I felt tired. I used way too much magic. Senka was unconscious on the floor with a bloody nose a black eye her leg looked poped out of place she was gripping her stomach she looked like she had second degree burns all over her body. I felt darkness take over and I passed out.

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