the date

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Hai writer-chans it's yukosai here sorry it took forever to make another chapy but I didn't have any ideas oh and this is just a start on the chapter so don't get mad that it's short asf okay and this idea was inspired by @LittleFluffyKitten
Your pov

Well okay were do I start? so I was walking along side the sidewalk, looking out to the river of water that flowed as a water street, I guess you would say. Then all of a sudden lyon ran up to me all excited with blush dancing across he's face his eyes were lit up like a Christmas tree. I sorta smiled because I've never seen him this way. Well as long as I know I can't even remember anything.

"Hey Y/N-chan wanna go on a date?"

'Wait did he just add a chan at the end of my name?' I thought while looking curiously at his face.

"Um sure when and where?"

I asked looking him in the eyes. He put his hand up to his mouth and made a humming sound as if he was thinking. He snapped his fingers.

"Let's go skating tomarrow at 10ish!"

"Wha-what but i-i-"

I studdered speechless.

"Upbutu you said you would go so no questions asked k~♡ see you then."

He said happily running off somewere. I sighed and walked into my house.

'Out of everything he could have picked. He picked ice-skating'

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