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" Y-Y\N IS THAT YOU???" A blue haired guy cried running up to me pulled me into a hug and put head in the crook of my neck. I felt his warm tears on my shoulder. He fell to the ground on his knees still holding me tightly.

"Gr-gray...... your killing me." I said gasping for air. He loosened his grip and looked you in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" he laughed wiping tears from his eyes. The scarlet haired lady looked at me.

"I am erza scarlet" she said smiling to herself. I stood up running towards her and practly jumped on her I gave her the biggest bear hug I could give some one.

"You must be the one I used a fairys light on"

I said smiling.

" a Fairys light?"

"Yea its forbidden magic it lets one trade places with a loved one but for some reason I'm still alive?"

I said putting a finger to my lip.

"We'll figure out this later Y\N we need you to visit some one right now but you'll need to change from that and well I'll just give you a make over follow me."

  Lucy said dragging me to her house. She threw me into the bathroom giving a new pair of cloths and a towel.
(Pick one of the cloths from the top to be your new cloths). I sat there and soaked in the tub cleaning myself. I washed the soap off and dried myself off and put my new cloths on I dried my hair it was now a wild mess. I walked out and Lucy made a weird face.

"Your going to make me brush your hair aren't you?"

I nodded she sighed and started to brush my hair. She breaded the front pice of my hair leaving the rest down.

"Okay~ done~♥♪" she said in a sing song voice.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked triwling a random lock of my hair.she smiled

"You'll see" she said pushing me out the door there waited gray, erza, natsu, and happy in there usual. Lucy whispered in there ears they all smiled.

"He's going to die when he sees her." Nasty laughed.

"Who??" I said on my tippy twos leaning forward slightly.

They all looked at each other then laughed. I gave them a questioning look.

"It's a surprise." Gray said. They all pulled me to the train. I sat there in pacitcent as ever I mean who would even be up this late. Natsu looked nausea the whole time like always. I couldn't help but giggle alittle remembering the past. I couldn't remember anything other than fariy tail though it as kind of weird that I was still even alive though. When we arrived we got off the train natsu was all ready feeling better. When I stepped off happy picked me up carrying me around in the air

"Whoooooo this is awesome!" I yelled flying though the air. Erza,gray, nastu, and Lucy chased after me and happy. I took in the smell of pine trees and such. Happy sat me down in front of some guild doors as team natsu caught up. I pressed my hand against the guild doors traceing the wooden marks. Team natsu ran in front of me kicking the guild doors in. Everyone in the guild looked exipt this one guy with slightly blue hair that was styled up. He had bluish grey eyes. He was sitting at the bar drinking.

"Behold! The princess of fariy tail." The guy looked up pisssed

Lyon pov

The guild doors busted in it was probably those retards at fariy tail again.

"Behold the princess of fariy tail!" They all shouted. they only call Y\N that. are they making fun of me? I looked at them pissed off I got out my seat and shot ice at them. Gray used his ice make shield to bloke it.

"What the hell lyon!" He yelled at me. I growled quietly at him

"Why do you think? you bust in the guild and proclaimed that you have my dead lover! I mean who the hell do you think you are!" I yelled at him. They all moved out the way to show a girl standing there she looked up and my heart jumped up from my chest.

Y\N pov

They all moved out the way to show me. my head was hanging low I looked up at the guy his eyes widened. I saw tears welled up in the back of his eyes. He walked up to me slowly. He pulled my chin up making me look him dead in the eyes I blushed alittle and looked away with my eyes. I felt something warm on my face it was a tear I looked back up at the guy he was crying. He pulled me into a tight hug. Crying into the crook of my neck. He trailed kissed up my neck making blush some more.

"S-stop please" I stammered out. He stopped and locked eyes with mine.

"I'm sorry I just really missed you I thought you left me"

  he cried some more.
I couldn't remember him for shit.

"Lyon I forgot to tell you she's suffering from some slight amnesia."

   Natsu said.

"Oh I'm sorry."

   He looked down.

"I-its not your fault."

   I said raising his chin smiling at him. a blush spread across his face.

"Uh umm well your outfit looks cute"

    he said blushing looking away.


    I laughed blushing really badly.

"That means she's free game Lyon!♥"

     one of the guys said from the shadows. A slight blush appeared across my face.

"I-im no ones game you idiot!"

   I yelled at him

"Is that so?"

    He said emerging from the shadows.
'He's absolutely gorgeous >////<'

A\N another Cliff hanger hahahahahahah buttttt??!!!? Since you guys love me so much to give me 1k reads I guess I'll double update. ♥♪♦ stay majestic till next time

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