Chapter 25

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(Heyo! So life has been super hella tough and inspiration had alluded me for a while, but i'm back and i'll try and update as much as I can, but I kinda dont have internet. Updates will be slow, but I am writing chapters now plus i've made a new book, so game on!)

(Your Pov)

My eyes slowly creaked open and I saw him. Perfect in everyway. Nothing could ever take me away from him.
My hand makes its way to his fluffy silver, blue hair. He nuzzled into my hand in his sleep. A warm smile forms on my lips. Is this what perfection looks like? I kiss him softly.

"Good morning Mr. Perfect."
His eyes opened slowly. I watched his make their way to mine. Our eyes locked and a smile forms on his lips. A small blush dusts my cheeks and I laugh softly. His strong hsnd cups my face and I cup his hand and we sit there in a warming silence.

"Good morning angel."
He says sleep still in his voice. He sits up slowly and kisses my forehead. My eyes close as his lip touch my forehead. A warm feeling covered my whole body washing away all of my sorrows from the past. As his lips parted from my forehead my eyes opened slowly.

"What would you like for breakfast?"
I ask looking at him curiously. Holding his hands. I could tell he was thinking.

He pauses for a minute. Then looks at me.

"Suprize me."
He smirks and chuckles. He always does that. I roll my eyes playfully.

"So specific."
I say sarcastically and sling my legs over the bed. I could hear him chuckling which brought a small smile to my face. I got up and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I could feel him walking slowly behind me. I opened up the fridge and grabbed the eggs and bacon. I sprayed pan with olive oil and cracked the eggs. The pan hisses at me as the eggs began to cook. I scrambled them.
(Lyon Pov)

I walked into the livingroom picking up my jacket from the couch and folded neatly setting it back down. The smell of her cooking filled the air. I walked up behind her a wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped slightly. A small chuckled escaped my lips.

"Lyon! Don't do that!"
She scolded me. I started to leave a small trail of kisses down her neck. She began to trail off forgetting what she was saying. I could her skin heating up. I smirked and let go of her. As I let go she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Don't tease me.."
She mumbled softly and continued to make the eggs and bacon. I smiled and pecked her lips.

"Im sorry (y/n)"
Her name felt so good to say. I closed my eyes and say her name in my head and a picture of her face smiling came into view. She is so beautiful. Her smile can brighten a dark room. It defiantly brightened my life.

Her voice echoed in my head. It sounded like angels.

I opened my eyes quickly. (Y/N) was holding a plate in her hands.
"Lyon did you fall asleep again?"
She chuckled and a small blush came over her cheeks. I chuckled she set a plate infront of me and we began to eat. Her food tasted like heaven.
"Where did you learn to cook?"
(Y/N Pov)

I began to get nervous. Does it taste bad? It tasted fine to me?
"Do you like it?"
I asked nervously twiddling with my fork and eggs. I guess he could tell I was nervous.

"Yes! I love it."
He chuckles and ruffles my hair. I squint at him.

"You just saying that to make me feeli better aren't you?"
  I said sassily. He matched ny stare.

"Why would I do that?"
He shot back.

"Because you love me."
    I said with a playful glare on my face. A small smirk came onto his face. Then he started laughing.

"I can't take yous seriously."
He said chuckling.

    After breakfast we showered together and we sat on the couch talking about that night. I sighed relieved that we solved everything and that it was just a big misunderstanding. I could see lyon getting lost in thought. I gripped his hand tightly and leaned my head onto his strong shoulder. He gripped my hand and put his chin onto of my head. I smile. When was the ladt time we've done this? If feels lile forever ago. He bring my hand up and kisses it softly.

"I've missed you so much."
He says quietly. I smile warmly.

"I've missed you to Lyon... You have no idea."
I say enjoying every second of his touch.
There was some fluff due to my adsence. It was my apology to you guys! *reader-chan holds book threating to throw it at me* Ah-ha please don't kill me.. '^-^)/

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