NJ quotes featuring other states

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NJ: What am I, your child?
PA: Yes, because you act like it.

Florida: Hey I have fire
NJ: Can I have some? NY's getting on my nerves again

MD: You want some crabs and sweet tea, hon?
NJ: Why not, besides you're crabs are the best. Thanks ma
NY: Did you just call him ma?
NJ: He's essentially a mom to me so
VA: I thought that I was the mother of the statehouse
MD: Suck it up, Virgin, you've been replaced

NV: You wanna go to the club tonight? We can get shots and get drunk
NJ: Vada you know I can't get drunk
NV: Why?
NJ: The demon. It absorbs the alcohol, remember?
NV: Right

MN: Hey ah you wanna hot dish?
NJ: Ain't that just a casserole
MN: Ope, no, it's a hot dish. I mean, you can call it whatever, but you're wrong, it's a hot dish.
NJ: Talk about being rude but polite..

A/N: That's all I have for now, this book is at 99 reads last time I checked. Which I'm very happy about

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