Chapter 8

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The Argent van pulled into the alley, and before it could stop, Allison was already hopping out and running towards us. She had the same reaction I did, gasping and staggering backwards into her dad.

"What happened!?" she asked, showing she surely wasn't expecting this.

"It's a long story, but basically Jackson got mad at Stiles and dragged him here."

"Jackson did this?"

"Oh, uh..." I glanced over at Scott, pending whether I should tell her with Chris standing there. He thought it over and then nodded, and everyone looked towards me. "We think Jackson is the Kanima."

"We KNOW he's the Kanima." Scott interrupted. Allison looked over at her father, worried what he would do.

"Did you see where he went?" Mr. Argent interrogated, talking for the first time.

"No" Stiles, Scott, and I responded at the same time.

"Did he get paralyctic venom on him?" I nodded and looked down at Stiles, who was still lying his head on my lap. He looked weak, but you could tell he was still trying to act strong. The Argents and Scott came over to help me lift Stiles into the back of the van, and I crawled into the trunk with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Allison shrugged her shoulders and looked over at Scott.
"Fine." he said, giving in to Allison's silent command. "We can take him to my house, I'll see if my mom can help fix him up." Chris stomped on the breaks, turning out of the alley. As we pulled up to Scott's house, Mrs. McCall came running out. He had called her in advance so she could get the house prepared, but when she saw Stiles I could tell Scott hadn't explained the situation to its fullest extent. We rushed Stiles into the house and onto the kitchen table, which Melissa had already cleared off.
"Is there another werewolf in town?" she asked.
"No, it's the Kanima. The one going around killing everybody" Scott explained. His mother gave him a strange look and continued the flow of questions.
"But why would the Kanima want to hurt Stiles?"
"Jackson's the Kanima." I was getting tired of hearing this explanation everytime someone came into the situation. Melissa was about to ask Scott something, but bit her lip and decided not to.
"Scott, can you heal him? You know, take away some of his pain?" I said, joining the discussion.
"Yeah, I can try. But if I go too far, it could kill us both. I'll have to be careful."
"Should I call the Sheriff? I mean, I'm guessing he will want to-"
"No. He doesn't know about the supernatural world yet, and we can't risk having him freak out. Plus, there will be other officers with him. We can talk to him after we get Stiles in better shape" Scott declared. I had just learned of Scott's crazy world less than a month ago, and I was still interpreting it. I couldn't imagine what it would be like telling Stilinski now. We all then nodded in agreance before turning our attention back to the unconscious Stiles. Mrs. McCall wiped up the blood and put in some stitches to close up the huge scrapes that Jackson had left. Scott grabbed a hold of Stiles wrist, and began to take his pain. His eyes glowed, showing it was working. Stiles' eyes shot open, relieved of some pain. Stiles had to yell at Scott before he went too far, and when he sat up on the table I ran over and delivered a huge hug, squeezing him tight before he squeezed right back.
"You made it." I whispered in his ear. I could feel a slight smile form on his face, no longer able to imagine what it would be like without him.

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