Chapter 18

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Scott and I are okay, sorry to scare you guys. Just needed to take care of something. Back soon, love you.

This was definitely not Stiles. I showed the text to Allison, who looked just as confused as I was. We ran up to her dad's bedroom, knocking softly before opening the door and walking in. We told him everything that had happened with the alphas lately, and then presented the text to him. It had come 3 hours after Allison and I had attempted to contact them, which was defiantly weird.
"Somebody obviously kidnapped them, or is holding then hostage. We need to find Isaac, maybe he can get a scent." Argent stated.
"How do you know that Isaac isn't with them?"
"Allison, call him and Derek, and if neither of them answer then we will go from there." She called Isaac, but there was no answer. I called Derek, and heaved a sigh of relief when I heard him breathing on the other line.
"Derek, have you seen-"
"No. They're missing. And I don't know how they knew they were going to get taken, but they did. The last trace of their scent that Isaac and I could find was in the woods, and then it just stops."
"Isaac? Wait, he didn't get taken too?"
"No, he's right here."
"We called him!" I screamed.
"My phone was dead!" I could hear him faintly respond in the background.
"They were with us last night." I told him. "When me and Allison woke up in the middle of the night, they were just gone. And we got a text from Stiles." Derek took in a deep breath.
"Meet me in the loft, we have some detective work to do."

"Huh, that's strange. They replied over three hours later, which means that Scott and Stiles most likely had their phones with them until that point, but couldn't answer. And then whoever took them stole their phones." Derek thought out loud.
"Do you think maybe the Delowitz triplets got them? I mean, maybe-"
"Twins, they're twins now." Derek explained,
"What?" I asked, sure he was just confused.
"They killed the sister." Isaac piped in. "Said she was too weak to help them in any way" Allison and I gasped, but Argent just stood there, and I could see the wheels spinning in his head.
"Dad, if you know something that could help us find them, you need to tell us."
"I think I know where the boys live. It's right on the border of Beacon Hills, in an underground cave. When we went hunting for them the other night I saw Josh and Drew run in there."
"Then what are waiting for? Let's go." said Derek. We followed him out of the loft, jumping into Chris' van.

"Stiles? Stiles?"
As we approached the area where Argent had once spotted the boys, Allison and I screamed their names in hopes they could hear us.
"There" Chris said, pointing to a large boulder. "It was under there. I don't remember how they got in, but they went behind it and just disappeared."
"We can't just go in there and hope for the best. They'll kick our asses." Derek said. If he wasn't confident, I don't think any of us could be. Argent ignored his comment and went forward, taking long strides toward the rock. The four of us followed his every move, stopping whenever he did. We inspected the boulder and found a star shaped symbol carved into it. Derek stepped forward, placing his claws into each of the five points of the star. He twisted the symbol, and the area below the rock opened. We all looked to Derek, who nodded his head forward, signaling that we should go. We took a step down the cold, cement stairs and when we saw there was no trap visible, ran down them as fast as we could. Allison and I were in front, and she had her bow strung and ready. I staggered backwards as we reached the bottom of the staircase, falling into Allison. Stiles was tied to a pole, tape covering his mouth. His hands and ankles were tied together in a tight knot. Tears were streaming down his face and he was violently shaking his head, as if to say no. The duct tape covering his lips prevented us from hearing his screams, but he was trying to tell us something.
"Wolf's Bane" Argent stated, and we turned around to see that Derek and Isaac had run back up the stairs. No wonder Stiles seemed so weak.
"Where's Scott?" Allison weeped out. She hardly ever cried, but this was different. Her hands were shaking, and I grabbed them tight to calm her nerves. I took a step towards Stiles, and he shook his head even harder. I could just make out what he was saying, and I finally understood. He was screaming 'behind you'.

Argent groaned as Drew hit him on the head with a metal sewer pipe. Allison and I gasped, running towards the stairs. But Josh was blocking us. We tightened our grip on each other, and she lifted her bow to Josh's heart.
"Do it and you'll never find him."
Allison immediately lowered her bow, glaring into his eyes.
"Where. Is. He." She said through gritted teeth. We heard a muffled scream from the dark corner of the room and Allison took a step forward, but I out out my arm to keep her from going.
"It'll kill them!" She screamed. I stared eerily at the boys, finally getting a grip on what was wrong here.
"Why isn't it affecting you?" I asked them.
"Well, we're not your typical lycanthropes. We are stronger, more aware, and our senses are even better than normal werewolves. And we are immune to wolfsbane." Drew said, smirking in pride.
"What do you want?" It was so cliche, but I just had to know their purpose.
"Well, that's actually a funny story. We need you, Lydia. To help us find some things that nobody else can. And we also want your friend Scott. We need another alpha, one who can help us." Stiles shrieked from across the cave. I now knew why he had been shaking his head no.
"Be an alpha, Scott. Take control" Allison whispered. We could hear Scott's struggle to fight the wolfsbane, but Stiles couldn't do it. He was only a beta. I saw his eyes start to flicker closed, and I screamed. The twins covered their ears, and I realized that my scream was deafening to them. Scott put all his strength into breaking the steel chains that bound him to the wall, as Stiles tried to push free. Drew and Josh took a step closer, grabbing Allison by the shoulder.
"Allison!" Scott and and I screamed at the same time, although his just sounded like a mumble. Drew threw her against the metal wall, and this gave Scott enough anger to break the chains and run to her aid. I stood alone between the two alphas, creeping in closer inch my inch. I didn't have it in me to scream again, and I could see Stiles putting everything he had into breaking free.
"Let them go, and I'll go with you. Turn off whatever you are using to put wolfsbane in the air." Stiles screeched again, though it was still muffled. The twins nodded, each grabbing one of my arms. We strode toward the stairs, and Stiles screamed and kicked harder than ever. Tears started welling up in my eyes, scared I would never see then again. As we reached the top of the staircase, they clicked a button, turning off the wolfsbane. The trapdoor down to the cave began closing, and I saw Stiles break the ties holding him down. He ran up the staircase, almost making it up before it closed. I could hear him banging on the trapdoor, screaming and crying my name. I closed my eyes, walking away from the cave as the twins lead me.

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