Chapter 10

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I gasped, raising my hand over my mouth. This time, I screamed. And I kept screaming until I couldn't any more, and saw the red eyes of the alpha wolf staring directly into mine. Allison was no longer behind me, and I had to hope that she was off fighting the wolf and saving the day. But at the moment, I had to worry about the wolf backing me up into a tree. I tried to see who was under all that hair and teeth, but I didn't recognize them. Even if I didn't make it out of here alive, everyone else would have to worry about something more important; the two, or possibly more, wolves in town. And right now, one of them was glaring into my eyes, ready for whatever was to come next. I continued backing up until I hit the fence that separated the woods from the industrial park. I glared back, trying to figure a way out if this. Think, Lydia. You can figure this out. The werewolf had gotten right up next to me, its face less than three inches away from mine. I took in my last breath as it stepped back and launched itself at me. My eyes snapped shut and I turned my head, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw Stiles, trying to hold back the wolf. As soon as he had gained a second for distraction, he jumped off of the beast and ran towards me. I stared at him confused, the voices suddenly returning. Everything was blurry, and it seemed like the world was turning upside down.
"Lydia! We have to get out of here!"
I could hear Stiles faintly whispering in the background, although I'm sure he was screaming. He grabbed my arm and started running, and I snapped back into it.
"Stiles, what happened?" I tried yelling, which was difficult to do while running. He didn't answer, and he looked a little off balance. He had saved me yet again, and I couldn't believe he had found me. He tugged me into his arms, and fell backwards. Stiles scooted backwards under a small cliff, hugging me tight against his chest. I closed my eyes, listening to his fast heartbeat. He was scared, and so was I.
"I can't believe you just did that."
I whispered into his arms.
"I'll do anything for the ones I love." I took that in, reminding myself again that this was real, that he still loved me. And I couldn't lose him. If this alpha was going to kill him, he should take me too. I heard a distant growl, and sat upright. Stiles put a hand on top of my head, pushing it back down towards him.
"Stiles, why aren't we running? We need to get out of here." He looked up at me and nodded down towards his thigh, and I jumped off of him. There were bite marks in his leg.

I leaned back into his chest once more and started crying, unable to think clearly. This was all my fault. If I hadn't come, Stiles wouldn't have been bit and Allison could've been safe with Scott. I had no clue where she was or if she was okay, and that worried me sick. Stiles had been smart enough to crawl into the slight cave, away from the moonlight. The sun has already started to rise, and I needed to keep him away from the light and from changing. I balled my eyes out, forming a large puddle on his shirt. Once my faucet finally ran out of water, I fell asleep in his warm, strong arms.

First off, wow! I can't believe I'm already at chapter 10. This had been amazingly fun to write and I am so thankful for all my readers and supporters (especially StilesBiles !)
I am now on summer break so I will try to update daily! I can't wait to do more and this chapter was so painful to write. I love you all so much and hope you enjoy this fic :) S5 IN 16 DAYS YAY! (STYDIAAAA)

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