Chapter 23

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"It's very rare, almost extinct. It can be found in steel when it's beginning to rust. The disease forms from the rust and can be lethal to werewolves. Most doctors don't know about it, since it only affects the supernatural. I think I have an antidote, however I'm not so sure it will work." Deaton explained.

"Might as well try it." I suggested. "It can't hurt him any worse, right?"

"Correct. But if it doesn't help...." He trailed off.

"He'll die." I finished. He looked at me, and I could see in his eyes that he truly didn't believe this would work. "So what do we need? What's the cure?"

"There are these flowers that grow near the Nemeton, they contain kecodonic pollen. This can help him, however, it has traces of wolfsbane. Although it may seem contradictory, it will override the current outbreak. Once that happens, I can make an incision to remove the wolfsbane."

"Do we have to go to the Nemeton to get it?"

"Yes, and it can't be Scott. He can't get too close to the wolfsbane. If you are okay, I think you'll need to go. I'll stay here with Stiles."
He explained what I was to do, and agreed to let Scott come with me. He could take me to the Nemeton, but had to stay far enough away from the plant.
I felt nervous leaving Stiles, but I trusted Deaton enough to take care of him. I jumped in the car and once again headed towards the hospital to grab Scott.

"Do you know where the Nemeton is?"
I questioned when he entered the car.

"I think so, but I can find it." I parked right outside of the chain that separated the nature preserve from the road, grabbing my purse and locking the car. We both jogged, and I tried to keep up with him. Scott came to an abrupt stop, placing his arm out to block me so I wouldn't continue.

"What do you hear?"

"I can smell them. The twins."
We continued on, walking slowly and as quiet as possible. As we turned a corner, we saw the alphas staring directly at us. They were standing on the Nemeton. I could see the wheels turning in Scott's head, debating whether he should stay with me or go fight.

"Need this?" Josh said, raising a pink and purple flower from behind his back. The pink sections were what we needed.

"Give it to us, and we'll leave. No harm done." Scott threatened.

"And why would we do that?" Drew piped in.

"Because you've already done enough damage to all of us, and you could at least help us with this one small thing."

"But see, you aren't going to need this. Because you two have just willingly come to us without even thinking twice about it, the two people we need. And you are going to come with us while your friend dies."

"That's it." I heard Scott whisper to himself. He leaped at Josh, who took the hit horribly. He fell to the ground, and before Scott could change Drew was behind him. I saw that the flower had fallen out of Josh's hand and decided to take the risky opportunity. I ran over to the flower, grabbing it and turning as fast as I could to run. I got far enough from Scott and the twins, but one of them had scratched my ankle pretty bad. I must have not noticed from the adrenaline. I refocused back on Scott, who was basically being torn apart by the alphas. I didn't know what to do, and as Scott looked over at me he could tell.

"GO!" He screamed.

"I'm not leaving you." I stated.

"LYDIA! GO! NOW!" And right as he yelled that, Drew turned around and glared. I couldn't believe I was actually going to leave him here. As I started to run away, I heard him say one last thing.

"Save Stiles."

As I hopped in my car, tears were blurring my eyes. I took a second to calm down before slamming on the breaks and heading towards Scott's house.

SORRY THIS IS SHORT! I'm meeting Posey and Hoechlin in 3 days and in 4 TW comes back! I'm soooo excited

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