Chapter 25

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I walked into the hospital through the back entrance, trying to avoid any and all contact with Melissa. I jogged towards the Sheriff's room, almost colliding with him.


"Sheriff!" I screamed before wrapping him in a qqqqhuge hug.

"Hey, do you know where Stiles is? I wanted to make sure he was ok." I paused and my mouth was a huge gaping hole, just hanging open. I placed my hand over it, trying to hold back tears. "Lydia, hey, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"I, I, I, uh" I tried to say, but the tears had been set free again. I had wiped off the smeared makeup on my way over, but a new round of black was now lining my face. I turned around, not sure where I was going. Right as I did so, I saw Melissa McCall round the corner and walk straight towards me.

"Lydia? Hey, what up?" I spun back around running from both of them. I thought I could get away without having to say it, but the Sheriff had grabbed my sleeve and was pulling me back. They were both staring at me, waiting for answers.

"Lydia, you need to tell us what's going on so that we can help you. Is everything ok?" Mr. Stilinski asked me.

"I can't, I can't" I stuttered, shaking my head. Melissa put a hand on my back, leading me towards a room and shutting the door behind her. "I need to go, I need to, I need to," I was full on hyperventilating, and I had never experienced this in my life before.

"Lydia, tell us what's going on." Melissa encouraged. I knew she would have to find out one way or another, and the sooner the better. We made eye contact, and I knew I couldn't do this. I spun my chair around so I was facing away from both of the parents.

"It's Scott." It was all I could say. I stood up and turned around to them, and I couldn't bare to look at Melissa. "Stiles was nervous that you wouldn't make it." I said, gesturing towards the Sheriff. "And he got in a car accident. Part of the door went through his chest, but we got it out. And some kind of poisoning was inside the steel, so Scott and I went to the Nemeton to retrieve the antidote but Scott was cornered by the alphas, and, and, Stiles was going to die without the flower. So I brought it to him, and by the time we got back to Scott...." I couldn't say it. "I'll never be able to live with myself for leaving him. And I know you'll hate me, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything." I grabbed the door handle, running out of the hospital. As I reached the large glass doors, I could hear Melissa's screams from the other side of the hospital.

When I arrived at the Nemeton again, only Stiles was there. I sat down beside him again, and I felt horrible for leaving without telling him.

"My dad's dead too, isn't he." I shook my head no, and the relief on Stiles face gave me such a wave of joy. But that was quickly destroyed when I remembered we were sitting beside the corpse of our best friend. He pulled me into a hug, and whispered into my ear. "Did you tell her?" I whispered back a yes, and he didn't say anything for a while. When he finally spoke, I was utterly surprised. "Thank you for going to check on him for me."

"I needed to know, I mean I couldn't bare to think that you were losing all the important people in your life in one day."

"Well at least I would have had one of them, and now I have two." I smiled a little bit, thankful that he was staying strong. "What are we gonna do?"

"I honestly have no clue. I don't think I can stay here though." At that, he sat up straight and abandoned our embrace.

"What do you mean you can't stay?"

"I caused you getting bit, all of the injuries and torture you've had to go through, your dad almost dying, and..."

"Lydia, you have to realize something. None of this is your fault. Nobody is going to blame you for Scott's death. If anything, I'm blaming myself. Because if I wasn't so attached to you, then you wouldn't have left Scott. If there is someone to blame, it's me. You shouldn't have left him just to save my scrawny little ass. Nobody cares about stupid Beta Stiles, it's all about Scott the True Alpha. And I would have gladly died in his place because I don't know how I'm going to survive one freaking day without this kid.

Melissa is going to fall apart without Scott, Allison is going to fall apart without Scott, and I'm going to be shredded into a million pieces without Scott. Without him, I'm nobody, and if it weren't for his werewolfness you probably still wouldn't know my name. I have no clue where I was planning on going with this, but I'm taking it in a new direction. Scott is gone, and that sucks, that kills, but we are still alive. And even though I lost one of the most important people in my life, the other one is sitting right next to me."
I leaned over and touched Scott's chest, feeling nothing but a hollow emptiness. We sat in silence for a long time before I reached over and squeezed his hand, and he returned the gesture.

"You've still got me, and you always will." I said.

"And you've still got me." We both turned around to see Stiles' dad standing not too far behind us. Stiles jumped off the ground, running towards his father and embracing him in a huge hug. "Is he really gone?" The Sheriff asked. Stiles shook his head and released his father, who walked up right behind me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see silent tears streak his face. He and Stiles sat down beside me so I was in between both of them. Sheriff grabbed my shoulder, implying for me to lean in. I laid my head on his shoulder, and I felt Stiles lean on me.

"She's not angry, you know. Just terribly upset and shocked. I think she wasn't expecting this ever to happen, you know, with all of the healing and stuff." Stilinski informed me. "Nobody is going to be angry with you Lydia, you're not the one who killed him. You were saving Stiles, and either way one of them would have died. If you would have stayed, it would be Stiles body we are all crying over. And I'd like to thank you for doing that, for saving him. And countless other times."

"I didn't save him, I don't think I ever have. He usually saves me."

"Incorrect!" Stiles butted in. We all did a half-laugh, the kind where you want to laugh but are too sad.

"Now what we have to worry about are the boys who killed him. We have to get rid of them."

"Can you lock them up?" I asked

"If I can find them."

"What do we do with the body?"

"I can take care of it." Stilinski said. "For now, how about we get you guys home." I nodded and Stiles grabbed my hand to pull me up off of the ground. As we walked towards mine and the Sheriff's car, I held onto Stiles' arm for support. I would be keeping Stiles closer now than ever before. Nothing bad was going to happen to him. To us.

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