Chapter 16

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When I woke up, Stiles' arms were tangled around me and my face was once again buried in his chest. I reached over to the table for my phone, checking the time. It was 9:48.
"Stiles, wake up. STILES" He snorted like a pig before sitting straight up and looking around. I put a hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing.
"Wait, did I just sleep with Lydia Martin?"
"Yes, yes you did." I smiled.
"Am I dreaming? Wait, let me count my fingers-"
"Stiles, this is real. See," I said before pinching him, which he reacted like a baby to. "Okay, now that you know we are in reality, you need to leave. Like now."
"Wait, what?! I just woke up, why do I have to-" He stopped when we both heard a car door slam outside.
"Because my parents are home. And they're 12 minutes early."

Stiles jumped off the couch, searching the floor everywhere for his shirt.
"Shit, shit, shit. I can't find it."
"Just GO. I'll give it to you later." I told him, keeping my eye on the door.
"What am I supposed to do?? Just run home shirtless?"
"Exactly, now go." We both ran over to the window facing the back side of the house, trying to fiddle with the lock. I pushed it open as fast as I could, and he jumped out. At the last second before I closed it, he leaned back in and kissed me on the cheek. I shook my head, trying to find a reason to regret choosing him. But I couldn't. I saw his shirt on the floor behind the couch, grabbed it, and tossed it up the stairs right as I heard the trunk slam shut. My parents had been out of town in Arizona, and I was thankful that they brought so many bags, which bought me extra time. I ran upstairs and snagged the shirt from its place on the staircase, plopping down onto my bed. I nearly had a heart attack when I heard a light tap on the window from the back of the house and saw Stiles face smiling idiotically in it. I yanked open the window and threw his shirt at him.
He laughed, and I asked him what was so funny.
"I was just thinking of your parents faces when they walk in the door and see a man-shaped hole in the wall. My eyes spread so huge, which made Stiles laugh again. I had totally forgotten about that.
"You shut it." I said, hitting him lightly in the head.
"I think it's funny how you rushed me out. I think your parents wouldn't have minded if I was just sitting on your couch, but I think they'll notice the huge hole. Have fun with that." He chuckled right as the front door opened.
"Lydia! Get down here right now!!"
I heard my mom yell. I was screwed.

"Somebody tried to break in." I spat out. Really Lydia, somebody tried break in? That's all you've got?
"And how does that explain the huge hole in my wall?" My father asked, annoyed beyond belief.
"Well, they got in while I had some friends over. And Scott heard them so he ran upstairs and caught them trying to steal stuff from my room. Then, the uh, burglar tried to run away, and when Scott tried to stop him, he shoved Scott into the wall. Yeah, that's it. And then he ran away." I was pretty impressed with myself, since I usually couldn't lie to my parents. They both nodded and walked into the kitchen to discuss the matter. I took my chance and ran up to my room, hopping out the short window. When I turned the corner, I saw Stiles standing there and nearly screamed before he put his hand over my mouth.
"Pretty nice excuse, if I must say."
I elbowed him, enjoying the playfulness between us. "I figured I'd stick around to hear you plead your case."
"Of course you did." I teased. "Have you talked to Scott about, you know, last night? I think he's pretty upset about it all..."
"Yeah, and I think it made it worse when I told him to leave. But I mean, I just needed some time alone with you. I hope he's okay, though."
"Yeah, and it probably would've been uncomfortable if Scott was watching us that whole time." It was his turn to elbow me, but instead he tazered me with his fingers. "Oh don't you go there, mister." He tried to get me again but I ran away, hiding behind a bush. "I think, we should, go to, Scott's house." I said in separate phrases, trying to catch my breath.
"Okay, but you have to catch me." He smirked. I lunged at him, forgetting he was no longer the human Stiles I had come to appreciate.
"I really hate you" I said when he appeared out of nowhere.
"No you don't" he said confidently. "You love me." I couldn't hide the smile that formed on my face, just like I could no longer hide the small bit of truth in what he had just said.

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