Chapter 19-Stiles

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I pounded my fist as hard as I could on the trapdoor. I knew it wouldn't open, but I continued to do so until Scott grabbed my hand. Argent had woken up, and he was lying with Allison in his lap. It was all my fault, Lydia was gone because of me. Just like Jackson said, I couldn't protect her. Or anyone, for that matter. I stood up, heading back towards the bottom of the stairs when the trapdoor opened and I saw Derek and Isaac. Chris scooped up Allison, and the four of us ran out.
"Did you see where they took her?"
"Who?" Derek asked, looking confused.
"Lydia! They took her."
"No, but we can probably get a scent."
He took a whiff of the air, and waved us over. "I got it, come on."
We sprinted through the woods following her scent, but I felt useless. I still hadn't learned how to use any of my abilities, so I jogged along behind Derek and Scott. When they came to an abrupt stop, I pushed past them to see what they were looking at. My dad was lying against a tree, slash marks and all, with Lydia sitting in his arms unconscious.

"Dad, listen to me" I slapped his face, helping him in the struggle to stay awake. "What were you doing out here?"
"I was looking for you." He barely squeaked out. "I couldn't find you or any of your friends, and your jeep was still in the driveway. I saw these two guys, they were, they were trying to kill her."
"Lydia?" I asked, looking down at her still body.
"I tried to shoot, but they were werewolves like Scott. And I guess now like you." I couldn't hold back the tears, knowing that I was here with the only three people I knew that I loved. And two of them were sitting here close to death because of me. I scooped up Lydia from my dad's arms while Argent helped him up. I grabbed my dad's hand, knowing he would appreciate it. I cried into Lydia's hair, admiring her silent yet beautiful features. I reassured myself once more that it was impossible, that this girl couldn't love me. She was still out of my league.

I sat on the chair next to my bed, unable to keep my foot from tapping. It was my largest habit when I got scared, and it made me feel weak. I couldn't even protect my own dad anymore, let alone protect Lydia. She had been out for hours, and there was still no sign of life. I could hear her steady heartbeat, yet only faintly. My dad was downstairs with Scott, who could actually help him. I didn't know any werewolf tricks yet, so it was no use for me to try when Scott had it mastered. I grabbed Lydia's hand, rubbing it in between my thumb. I thought about the night in the hospital, when Lydia told me to hang on for her. But if she wasn't here, what was there to hold for? Scott could move on, find a new best friend. And my dad, my dad would be just fine without me. Especially now that he knew the danger I could put him in. If Lydia died, it might as well be the end of me too. I couldn't live without her.

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