Chapter 22

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I ran out of the room after him, making eye contact with a very confused Scott.
"Why aren't you chasing after Stiles?"
I screamed at him.
"Stiles, did you not just see him run past you and out of the hospital?" Scott looked bewildered, and I was surprised he hadn't noticed. "We need to find him, like now. He changed in there and then ran out....."
"WHAT? He changed?" Scott finally took this seriously and ran out of the hospital beside me. When we got to the parking lot, Stiles' Jeep was still there. But his dad's cop car was gone.
"Well, I mean at least he isn't running around killing people?"
"But he's driving!"
I hopped in my car, and Scott decided to go on foot to look for a scent.

I drove down past the school towards his house, looking for any sign of him. I was starting to wonder why Scott hadn't called, since he could easily track down Stiles' scent. As I turned onto the major road that lead to his house, I was stopped in horrible traffic. Cars were lined up along the whole road, and I couldn't believe this was happening now of all times. I pulled my car over onto the side of the road, hopping out to see what was going on. I could see a car tipped upside down about 100 yards away, and as I got closer and closer I realized it wasn't just any car. It had glowing sirens. I sprinted as fast as I could towards it and saw Scott approaching the vehicle from the other side. I could see Stiles' body laying beneath the turned over car and rushed to his aid. Scott came up beside me as we examined the scene, both wondering the same thing: why he wasn't using his healing. A small fire had started where the car had hit the tree, and the entire front of the car was smashed in. Then I saw it, the car door shredded, its parts everywhere. And one of the larger pieces was sticking straight through his lower abdomen.
"We have to take it out" Scott demanded.
"What?! You can't take it out, it will injure him worse!"
"He can't heal if it's still in, plus I have a feeling this is about to explode."
I really didn't feel comfortable doing this, but if Scott said it would let Stiles heal. "Ready?" He asked, and I nodded. We both grabbed hold of the large steel piece, and Scott counted down. When he finally said 1, we pulled as hard as we could, leaving a huge bloody hole is Stiles' chest. We scooped him up as fast as we could, and eventually Scott just tossed him up over his shoulder and told me to run. I couldn't leave them, so I ran to my car and signaled my him to come over. The road was almost completely empty now, so Scott loaded Stiles into the back seat and then hopped in the front with me.
"Stiles is going to kill us for leaving the car" I stated.
"We really don't have a choice, just go. It's already destroyed beyond repair." And right as he said that, the cop car burst into flames, causing an explosion that sent parts scattering everywhere. "GO!" Scott screamed, and I did. "We have to go to my house."
"What? We need to go the Sheriff's station, or at least the hospital!"
"He can heal, and I'll call his dad when we get there. My mom can help us, too." When we arrived at Scott's house, I took the job or carrying in Stiles. He went along easily, and I could tell he was beginning to regain consciousness.
Scott helped me lay him on the dining room table, and he was still out cold. He always talked about how bad things happened to me, but seriously, how many near-death experiences had he had in the past few months? I thought over the last few minutes and what had happened, and then it hit me. The Sheriff was in the hospital, possibly dead right at this moment. And Stiles had gone off and almost gotten himself killed too. I had completely forgotten why all this happened, and felt completely stupid. But Scott had totally forgotten too.
"Scott!" I saw him run down the stairs, panic in his eyes.
"I can't find my mom, her shift is supposed to be over and she's not-" And then he remembered. When we made eye contact, he knew that was what I was planning on telling him.
"I'll go, you stay here. Call me if anything goes wrong."
"You're leaving me here with him?"
"Yeah, you'll be fine. Call me though."
Scott ran out of the door, leaving me alone with Stiles and the huge hole in his chest. After about 5 minutes, I started to see that nothing had changed and called Scott.
"Break his wrist."
"What? How am I supposed to-"
"Just twist it as hard as you can. If you can't do that, get something really heavy and bang it on his wrist. It will jump start his healing process."
I hung up and set the phone on the table, still not sure I could do this. I ran up to Scott's room, grabbing a 30 pound weight before returning back to Stiles. I lifted the weight above his wrist, and dropped it. At this, Stiles sat straight up and screamed. He grabbed the weight and threw it across the room, denting the fridge. I leaned in and kissed him, calming his heart rate to a normal level. When I pulled away, I saw his dead stare.
"Lydia? Is that you?"
"Yeah, Stiles, what wrong?"
"I, I, I can't see. I can't see anything." His entire body was covered in little outbursts of veins so close to bursting, and he was sweating like crazy. Breaking his wrist hadn't helped, he wasn't healing. Something was seriously wrong. I knew this time, Scott couldn't help me. I grabbed my phone off of the table, dialing Deaton's number.
"Lydia?" I heard him say.
"It's Stiles, there's something wrong, some kind of disease. We are at Scott's house, but it's just the two of us."
"Alright, I'll be there to take a look in a few minutes."

Dr. Deaton arrived within three minutes of me calling.

Originally, Stiles took his car instead of a cop car. I wrote the entire chapter with the Jeep, so wherever you see car it used to say Jeep. But I couldn't bare to destroy it so I rewrote like this entire chapter😂 JILESSSSSSS!
I'm meeting Posey and Hoechlin in 8 days omg😛💘 such babes! and who's ready for season 5?😘 9 DAYS! this picture is actually from the trailer so I'm really scared to see what actually happens on the show with this car accident😭 it looks really scary omg but I'm soooooooooo excited😍 Please comment, vote, and continue reading! Can't believe I have over 400 reads, please spread the word about my story to any and all Stydia shippers😋💖👑 BUT SERIOUSLY HOW COULD I DESTROY THE JEEP MAYBE IF I DID THE STORY COULD JUST END HERE AND WE COULD ALL CRY ABOUT JILES oh wow I'm just so angry with myself right now I torture Stiles so much in this and idk why cause he's my fav ugh SORRY BABY

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