Chapter 17

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Scott was okay. He had let his anger get the best of him, and he said he couldn't resist the urge. He was still beyond furious with the triplets, but wasn't planning on hunting them down in tthe middle of the night. We had all done some research on them, and found that they were in fact fraternal triplets and their last name was Delowitz.

I was lying in my bed reading when my phone buzzed. I half expected to see Stiles' name appear on the bright screen, but I surely wasn't expecting it to say Jackson. I'm coming over. We need to talk. My insides felt hollow and I couldn't breathe. He couldn't come here, I knew what would happen. I grabbed the phone and dialed Stiles' number, not surprised when he answered on the third ring.
"Stiles, he's coming over here. Jackson's coming over now, and he's probably already here." By then I was crying, slurring my words together.
"I'll be there in a second. If he comes in, jump out the window and run." I nodded, although I knew he couldn't see me, and hung up. Yet again, I forgot about Stiles' new supernatural abilities. He was at my window in what seemed like seconds, and I unlocked the window just as I heard a large banging in the front door. He held his hands out for me to jump into, and I hopped into them. I reached up and closed the window before turning to Stiles.
"How did you know he was coming?"
"He texted me. I don't know why he would text me, it's like he's giving me a chance to get away.
"Oh Lydia, always so smart." Jackson stated. We both whipped around to see him standing less than 50 feet away. "Too bad you weren't smart enough to know not to cheat on me. I don't do well with cheaters."
"We're not together, Jackson. And we haven't been for a long time."
"Not according to what you did last night. You know, when we made out on your couch." At this, Stiles looked over at me with confused eyes. "Cheaters never win, Lydia."
"I'm not a cheater!" I yelled at him. "You came into my house and I had to literally push you off of me! You're just angry that I'm moving on, that I don't need you to come and sweep me off my feet anymore. It's not like you ever did that, actually, you're more of a push-me-onto-the-couch-and-try-to-get-me-to-fall-in-love-with-you kinda guy." It felt good to say that to him, to show him where he stood on my list of priorities. Stiles grabbed my hand, pulling me in closer to him.
"And would you look at that. You're just gonna stand there and let Stilinski and his new werewolf powers save you. But he can't protect you." I could feel the tension in Stiles body, the anger welling up inside of him. He took a step in front of me, and I grasped onto his arm.
"Hold on Stiles, don't listen to him. Just focus on me" I whispered. Jackson was slowly making his way towards us, continuing his attempt to anger Stiles.
"He's a beta, he can't do anything against me or any other supernatural creature in this town. He doesn't know how to use his powers yet. He's weak. He's scared. He's vulnerable. And most of all, he's not going to be able to save you. Ever." It felt as if we were in slow motion. Stiles let go of me, dropping our connection. He launched himself at Jackson, who hit him down. I looked at Stiles lying there, no power left. Jackson shifted his focus from Stiles to me, and I began backing up.
"Now you'll see what happens when you cheat, Lydia. Bad things happen, because a cheater doesn't deserve anything." He took another step forward, and it finally occurred to me to do what I do best. Scream.

I saw Stiles sit up from his position on the floor, and when Jackson turned around Scott was there with him. My scream had given him power again. I ran towards the house, pinning myself directly against it. I saw Jackson run past where I was just standing and then disappear into the woods behind my house. Scott placed his hand on Stiles' back, calming him down. I sprinted over to the boys, heaving from a loss of breath.
"None of it's true, Stiles. You can protect me. But that doesn't mean you have to do. It's not your job to constantly be saving me."
"Yes it is. Well, at least it is now."

"Hey Lydia! Here, come on in." Allison greeted me. She had scheduled a get-together for the four of us, which was smart to have at her house where we knew nothing could hurt us. I walked in and saw Stiles sitting on the couch, an empty spot next to him. Allison walked over to a large chair where Scott was sitting and plopped right next to him. I smiled as my eyes met with Stiles' and walked over to his spot on the couch. He patted the area next to him, scooting over to make room. I sat down and covered myself in a blanket, just like he was currently doing. I leaned over on his shoulder and grabbed his arm for support. I saw Scott and Allison give each other a look as I did so, smiling before looking back over at Stiles and I.
"Ready?" Allison asked.
"What movie are we watching" I wondered, debating what I was hoping she would say.
"As by popular request, Star Wars."
I looked up at Stiles, and he had the biggest grin on his face.
"I know you were watching it" he whispered a few minutes into the movie.
"What?" I asked him, even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.
"I know that you were watching it last night, right before Jackson came. I saw it paused on your TV." I smirked at him, admiring the keen detective skills he inherited from his father, in which he noticed every little detail. I hugged his arm at the scary parts, but eventually fell asleep. Dang, I just couldn't stay awake whenever I watched Star Wars.

I snapped awake, sitting straight up from where I was lying. I saw Allison asleep on the big chair, but Scott and Stiles were gone.
"Allison" I whispered, not wanting to wake her dad. It was still the middle of the night.
"What?" She groggily responded. still half asleep.
"Where are Scott and Stiles?"
"They're right he-" she began, stopping when she saw they were missing. "They were just here like an hour ago, I must've fallen asleep. At this we both stood up, grabbing our phones. She called Scott and I called Stiles, but there was no answer from either.
"We should ask your dad. To, you know, help us find them. I mean, what if something happened?"
"Lydia, I'm sure they're fine. Let's just go back to bed and we'll call them in the morning." I agreed, although I was still uneasy about not knowing where they were. I fell back asleep in minutes, finally getting some much needed sleep.

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