Chapter 9

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*2 weeks later*

"No, noooo way. It's way too dangerous, Lydia"
I had been begging Scott to let me come with him to find the Kanima tonight, but he wasn't giving in. We hadn't had any progress on tracking Jackson for the last few weeks, but he had killed 2 more people.
"Come on Scott, I could seriously help! Maybe I could even find the bodies before they were killed this time. I can feel something, like it will happen tonight. I just know it" I pleaded. Allison nodded in agreance and looked over at Scott for confirmation. He finally gave in and sighed.
"Fine, but Stiles will flip out if he knows. I think he's hanging out with his dad tonight but don't tell him your coming, I promised to keep you safe."
"Scott, I'll be fine. And I don't see what is so dangerous if you are letting Allison come."
"Lydia, I love you, but you don't have my training and skills or Scott's werewolf powers. I'm experienced in this field and Scott already knows that he shouldn't have to worry about me. None of us think you are incapable, but Stiles just wants to make sure there is no chance of you getting hurt. And we will make sure that doesn't happen, even if you come" Allison claimed. I completely agreed, and felt grateful to have such protective friends. Scott and Allison to do the protecting, and Stiles to tell them to. I was a bit nervous from the feeling I was getting inside, but I tried to contain it. I didn't know who it was or if I could help, but somebody was going to die tonight.

The two love birds arrived at my door at 11, with the bow and arrow and claws. I ran down to the door, grabbing a baseball bat that Stiles had given me. We hopped into the car and headed down to the woods. The feeling was growing stronger. I heard a branch hit the top of the car and looked up, finally realizing why Stiles had insisted I stay home. It was a full moon. I couldn't quite process what I was feeling but it was worse than the other times. My stomach hurt and I had a headache, all on top of my supernatural feelings.
"Stop the car" I commanded. Scott halted to a stop, and I hopped out of the car. Suddenly, we got a call from Derek via Scott. When it ended, Scott told us that the Kanima was spotted at a rave downtown. Scott left his mom's car for us to meet him there, and ran out of sight.
"I don't understand" I weeped out. "There is something here, I know it. I have a strong feeling Allison, stronger than usual."
"I believe you a hundred percent, but Jackson was just spotted on the other side of town. We have to go there now, before it's too late" She turned on her heel and walked back toward the car. We were in the middle of the woods on a full moon, and I could feel the voices getting stronger. All of the noises around me were silenced, and the only thing I could hear where the whispers, escalating beyond my reach. I sucked in a breath to scream, but held it when I saw what was ahead of me. Allison screaming, and a werewolf holding it's claws at her neck. I was confused, knowing she could easily defeat the beast. Then I finally realized what she was screaming, and It was my name. I turned around to see another large wolf standing right beside me, teeth bared and growling. Maybe the feeling was strongest right before your own death.

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