Chapter 31

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My tired eyes flickered open, the early morning light blinding me. I was surprised to find Stiles still with me, as I guessed he would leave to go get ready for school. I glanced over at the clock and it read 7:28. My eyes bulged out of my head as I scrambled to get up.

"What am I supposed to wear?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know!"

"Would you have any of like Jackson's shirts laying around?" I glared at him. I picked out my outfit and threw it on, running into the bathroom to wash my face. I started applying my eyeliner, scribbling it all over when Stiles scared me by screaming my name.

"What?" I said, irritated.

"Is this mine?" I ran back into my room to see him holding up a shirt that was most definitely his.

"I, uh, think you forgot it sometime?" He smiled, completely satisfied with the answer. What felt like years ago, he forgot it downstairs but I decided to hold onto it incase I ever lost him. I finished my morning routine, jogging down the stairs with Stiles. The last thing I expected was to see my mom cooking eggs and bacon for us.

"Finally! For a second I thought you two weren't coming."

"Thank you, Mrs. Martin."

"Of course, honey!" She handed us both a plate, but I told her we had to leave so we took it to his Jeep to eat. 7:39.

"Shit shit shit. Go!" He pressed on the brake, whisking us away to another miserable day of school.


We pulled in at 7:44, 1 minute until class. It wasn't until I was trying to run in my heels that I realized the teachers wouldn't care. We could be 4 hours late and they wouldn't give a crap.

"You wanna ditch?" I asked, and the look on his face was priceless.

"Lydia Martin skipping school for no apparent reason?" I nodded my head before remembering we still had people on the inside.

"Allison, we need to get her. I feel like I haven't been with her in ages." At that, Stiles ran into the school, returning with Allison. We were heading back to the Jeep when she stopped us.

"Wait, I forgot something. Be right back."

"No! We'll come with." The three of us walked into the hallways, Stiles and I waiting on one end as Allison ran to her locker. We were casually talking when the bell rang. How could it have already been 45 minutes? Both of us turned to exit the building, but it was too late. Out first period teacher was standing right before us.

"Mr. Stilinski, Ms. Martin, care to tell me why you skipped my class?" Stiles' jaw dropped open as he searched for an excuse. So apparently they did notice. I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"We were visiting Scott's grave." The look that played across his face turned from surprise to horror to sorrow in one second.

"I'm, I'm so sorry." He spun back around, sulking back to his classroom.

"What would I do without you?" Stiles joked as I playfully hit his arm. Reunited, the three of us walked back to the Jeep. I wasn't sure where we were going, but I really wasn't thinking we would be in the parking lot of a jewelry store. A huge smiled played across Allison's face; she knew something. Stiles ran around to open my door, and I curtsied like a princess as I stepped out. I put one arm around Stiles and one around Allison as we walked into the store, not sure what to expect.


Thank you all so much for your love and support on this story and 1k reads! I have recently found a new theme song for Stydia (it's my fav song!) and it's called Don't Deserve You by Plumb. LOOK AT THE LYRICS I DIE ITS 1000000% Lydia singing to Stiles:

You're the first face that I see,
and the last thing I think about.
You're the reason that I'm alive,
you're what I can't live with without.
You're what I can't live without.

You never give up when I'm falling apart,
you're arms are always open wide.
And you're quick to forgive when I make a mistake, you love me in the blink of an eye.

I don't deserve you're love, but you give it to me anyway. Can't get enough, you're everything I need. And when I walk away, you take off running and come right after me.
It's what you do, and I don't deserve you.

You're the light inside my eyes,
you give me a reason to keep trying.
You give me more than I could dream,
and you bring me to my knees.

You're heart is golden, how am I the one that you've chosen to love. I still can't believe that you're right next to me after all that I've done.

I don't deserve you're love, but you give it to me anyway. Can't get enough, you're everything I need. And when I walk away, you take off running and come right after me.
It's what you do, and I don't deserve you.

I don't deserve a chance like this,
I don't deserve a love that gives me everything.
You're everything I want.

I don't deserve you're love, but you give it to me anyway. Can't get enough, you're everything I need. And when I walk away, you take off running and come right after me.
It's what you do, and I don't deserve you.

And I don't deserve you.

IS THAT STYDIA AF OR WHAT! Please continue to vote and comment, love you lots😘

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