Chapter 29

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He pushed through the hospital doors, sprinting up to Melissa.

"She's losing a lot of blood, we need to go quick." I heard Melissa say. Stiles laid me down onto a gurney, and the last thing I saw before I was wheeled away was him crying. And then I passed out again.


My mom was sitting on the edge of my bed when I woke up, and I thought of all the possible things Stiles could have made up to tell her. She was balling, and when I sat up she hugged me tighter than ever.

"Mom, I'm fine."

"Sweetie you could have died! Thank god Stiles was there."

"Yeah," Now I really wanted to know what he told her. "Is he here?"

"Of course! I'll go grab him." I smiled at her and waited until Stiles came tumbling through the door. He always was so clumsy.

"You scared me half to death. I thought that you were, you know." I nodded and gestured for him to come sit next to me.

"I'm actually still not sure I will make it. And if I don't-"

"Lydia don't say that."

"If I don't make it, I need you to know something." Before I could finish he silenced me with his lips, pushing me into the hospital bed.

"Does it still hurt?" I nodded my head and lifted the sheets from my injury. Melissa had wrapped it up, but a little bit of blood was still seeping through. "Let me help."

"No, Stiles. I'm fine, it's just a little sting."
He placed his hand on my side, but quickly retracted it.

"Your in a lot of pain. Just let me take a little bit of it." I didn't complain this time, since I knew he wouldn't give up. He started to take my pain, and I didn't realize how much I was in until some of it was gone. I looked at Stiles, who still wasn't stopping.

"Stiles! Stop! Your going too far."

"No, you're still in a lot of pain." I grabbed his hand with both of mine, pulling as hard as possible until it unlatched. When the contact was broken, it was as if all the pain shot back into me in an instant. I clutched the sides of the bed and once again thought this was the end. Melissa rushed into the room, and I grabbed Stiles as he was trying to back up.

"Stiles," I said, and he scooted in close to me.
"I love you."

Melissa shooed him out of the room, and two more doctors came in.

"Everyone out!" The doctor screamed. I saw Stiles at the window as they hooked up an oxygen tank and wheeled me out of the room. I reached out to grab his hand as I was moved past him, and I didn't let go. The gurney stopped, and I stood up.

"I'm fine." I was counting on Melissa to come up with something clever, and she told them to come with her so I was surrounded by all my friends and family. But I had forgotten my mom was here. How would I explain this away?
Allison hugged me from behind, and I whispered for her to make up something to tell my mom. "I'll be right back." I grabbed Stiles' hand, dragging him along with me through the hallways of the hospital. I led him outside to his car, not sure what I wanted to say. I just needed to get out of there.

"How did you do that?" He asked.

"I honestly have no clue, it's like it all just went away."

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"What you said." I bit my lip, hesitating. And then I nodded my head, a slight smile forming on both of our faces. He pushed me into the car, and his lips were so warm. I put my hands in his hair, enjoying his company more than anything. I pulled away when I felt a sharp pain in my side and lifted up my shirt. It was almost gone, now only a scar.

I looked up at Stiles, hoping he could give me answers.

"Well you aren't healing, so that's good. I mean, that's bad, but it also means you aren't going to turn."

"What did you tell my mom by the way?"

"I said that someone tried to steal your car, and I happened to be sitting in my car and I came to the rescue." I gave him a pathetic look, and he started giggling. I loved when he did that.

"How about we just get out of here?"

"Well what about your mom and Allison?"

"What about them?" He smiled like an idiot and hopped into the car. I texted Allison that we left, hoping she would understand.

"We can probably go to my house, I think my dad is still on duty." I smiled, happy we were finally getting some alone time. He unlocked the door, and we ran upstairs to his room. He pushed me onto his bed, now on top of me. I ripped his shirt off, placing my hands on his bare chest.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you more." I challenged.

"And I love you the most." I rolled my eyes at how cheesy this was. I sat up, and this time it was his turn to get rid of my shirt. We rolled over so I was now on top of him. I held his face in my hands, smiling wider than ever.

"I love you Stiles. I love every little thing about you, your smile, your laugh, the way your face crinkles when you get upset. Your sarcasm, your clumsiness, your detective skills, the way you take care of me. I don't know how I ever lived before you, and I don't know if I'll be able to live without you. How I never even know you existed, and that just shows that the best people aren't popular. They are the sidekicks, the ones you would never expect."

"Do you really feel that way?" I pressed my lips back into his, showing him my clear answer. "I never thought this would happen. You were always the girl of my dreams, and dreams don't come true. But they did for me. And I love you, always have, always will. You are-" He was interrupted by my phone buzzing like crazy, and I looked confused at him. He reached over and grabbed it, showing me I had 5 missed calls from Allison. This time, I answered.

"Lydia, you need to get over here, now. Jackson's here."


"The hospital! You need to come now, I don't know what he wants but he has-" I could hear the phone drop, followed by Allison's scream. The other line hung up and Stiles was already up and dressed, holding my shirt in his hand. I threw it on, realizing Stiles had been listening to the conversation. And that Allison had been whispering. As soon as we got in the Jeep, Stiles began his rant.

"That little prick needs to leave us alone or I'll rip his throat out."

"Stiles," I began.

"No, if he hurts her, it's his turn. We've given him too many chances. Now it's our time to teach him a lesson."

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