Chapter 32

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He swung open the door to the jewelry store, the three of us giggling like idiots. Allison and I waited by the door as Stiles went up to the counter. There was something fishy going on here.

"You know something, don't you." Allison tried to hide her smile, shaking her head no. She was horrible at lying to me.

Stiles finally returned from the counter, but didn't say anything. I saw him gripping a small box in his left hand as we exited the store, although he didn't say anything. He dropped Allison off first, then brought me to his house. My mind was still implanted on finding out if that box was for me.

We walked up to his room together after saying hello to his father. There was something off about his energy. The Sheriff usually acted different around us, not timidly like he was now. And why was he home so early?

He shut the door behind us, taking a deep breath before sitting down on his bed. I sat next to him, gripping his hand in mine.

"Stiles," I began before trailing off. This couldn't end well. He was shaking and tears started to well up in his eyes, but I was confused where this had come from.

"I'm leaving." He finally spit out. I raised my eyes to meet his, seeing the sincerity in them.

"What do you mean 'you're leaving'?"

"Beacon Hills. My dad just got moved to a station on the east coast," he started before tears were streaming down his face. "We have to leave in the morning. He called me before you woke up today." Then it finally hit me. This could be the last time I ever saw him. I raised my hand to cover my mouth so I didn't scream, letting the tears take over. I was balling hysterically and Stiles pulled me into him. I hugged him tight, never wanting to let go. I kept shaking my head no, not able to get any words out. He gently stroked my hair in an attempt to calm me down. And it worked.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me." I muttered out. I looked into his eyes, seeing the pain those words brought him. They began to fill, tears threatening to overflow onto his cheeks. That's when he pulled out the box, revealing a long chain with a simple S at the bottom. I started to cry again as he moved my hair, placing the locket around my neck.

I kissed him, enjoying every little detail and accepting that could be my last time.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear, making every part of my tingle. I shook my head, trying to take in everything. "What?"

I hesitated a second before finally speaking the truth on all of our ups and downs since the first time we met. "I truly don't deserve you."

And that was the last time I saw Stiles' smile before he left, shining brighter than the sun. I wish I could have taken a picture, but luckily a mental one would forever be imprinted on my brain. I didn't deserve you, Stiles Stilinski. I truly didn't.


2 years later

I slipped on my simple black dress, completing it with a long silver chain that carried an S. Grabbing a flower from the vase on my desk, I jumped in my car and took off.

It was an hour drive to Beacon Hills, so I turned on some music to pass the time. As I pulled into my old town, it was as if every spot brought memories flooding back into me. I drove past my house, or what used to be, and saw children playing out front. My parents had moved out by my college, so I no longer had any connections to Beacon Hills. Besides one.

As I pulled into the cemetery, I straightened my dress in an attempt to distract myself from everything this would bring me. But it couldn't hold back my tears. I approached Scott's grave, placing the simple flower down next to it. There were already several there, considering it was the two year marker of his death. I looked at all the flowers, all the love. One flower in particular stood out, a vibrant orange color with a note attached. It read:

To my best friend. I love you bro.

I knew that could only mean one thing. I spun around, and to my surprise he stood there for the first time in 2 years. None other than Stiles Stilinski. I stared at him in awe, not believing it could be possible. Finally giving in I sprinted to him, digging my head deep into his chest. I squeezed my eyes shut to try and prevent tears but it wouldn't hold. A small puddle formed on his shirt, and when I looked up I saw he was crying too. He stroked my hair like he used to years ago and the memories of Beacon Hills that I had tried so hard to conceal were rushing back. The pain, the laughter, the struggles.

Then I did what I had wanted to do for so long.
I grabbed his jaw, pulling his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his around my waist. Our foreheads leaning against each other, we stood in silence.

"Don't you have some college jock already?" He whispered.

"I've discovered that as a sophomore it's more important to just focus on school."

"You're a sophomore?"

"Yeah, I couldn't stand to be there without any of you guys. I graduated early."

"And what about Alli?" I smiled at the mention of Allison.

"She graduated early too. We live together."

"Why didn't she come?" He questioned, always so content about knowing what other people were doing.

"She's coming down later, she had classes." He nodded and I bit my lip.

"You still have the necklace?" He lightly asked, his words floating. I smiled at him. It was great he was here, but it would be worse than the first time when he had to leave again. "Stiles, I need you to promise me something." He nodded again, encouraging me to continue. "That you won't completely leave me again. You never called, emailed, anything. And it broke me."

"I couldn't. I couldn't do it, it was too painful. And I'm sorry. But if it makes you feel better, I'm not leaving you." I tried to make sense of his words. He wasn't leaving me? "My dad is getting transferred back, but since I'm in college now they are moving me to the one nearest to Beacon Hills. And that's about an hour away..." I knew what he was saying. A huge smile spread across his face as he pulled me into him, hugging me tight. "I'm not leaving you again."

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