[07] The Luxury Called Donuts

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Richard and Steph brought ice cream and donuts for all of them. By the time they returned to the Manor, Tim and Barbara were no longer in the cave either as they had come upstairs and were in the living room.

It seemed Tim had accepted Barbara as a friend and was not apprehensive about spending time with her anymore. He had been that way with Steph too at first until he eventually allowed himself to open up to her.

Being cautious was an involuntary response for him. He couldn't trust people easily and as he had been surviving on his own from a young age, he tended to be extra cautious of the people surrounding him.

Any new person he met would be a suspect until he figured out what their true intentions were of coming close to him. He seemed to have figured out that Barbara was not there to harm him, the same was the case with the rest of them. Therefore he had been trying to adjust to their presence without constantly being alert for any mishaps.

Right then, he was staring at the donut he had picked out from the box Richard had brought for all of them. He hadn't tasted a donut before as his parents insisted on avoiding sweet stuff that could ruin his teeth and after his supposed death, he didn't have enough money to indulge in delicacies.

So he was curiously observing the circular dessert, hesitant to take a bite.

Steph knew what he might be thinking so she came to sit beside him. He was startled but didn't push her away.

"What's wrong? You can pick another one if you want to."

"No, it's alright. I just..." He paused, eyes locking with Richard who gave him a slight smile. "I'm not sure what it will taste like."

She nodded, holding her hand out to him so he handed her the donut. She cut a small piece out of it and ate it, letting him know there was nothing wrong with it.

"It tastes like icing sugar and chocolate. I think you'll like it."

Encouraged by her, he took a bite as well and let the flavor melt in his mouth. She was right, he liked the sweetness of sugar and chocolate.

It felt like a luxury to be able to eat something so sweet and decadent.

It didn't take him long to finish the rest of it and when he was done, he paused, considering if he should take another one.

Richard and Barbara had been observing their interaction and the elder brother seemed to have figured out what to do next. So he took the box to Tim and began explaining what each flavor tasted like.

Tim listened eagerly and then decided to try the caramel topping one. It seemed he liked sugar although it would end up making him hyperactive.

"Heavenly," he mumbled, "I see now why donuts are so popular. What a pleasant way to get diagnosed with diabetes..."

Steph laughed at the joke while the other two took some time to understand that he had said that as a joke. A very small smile flickered on Tim's lips as well to see their reaction.

It might be too soon for him to let his guard down around them but one thing was for sure.

He was beginning to like his new family.


Bruce was in his study going over some documents he had to sign for Wayne Tech when he heard a light tap on the door. He looked up, thinking it would be either Richard or Steph as he spoke, "come in."

However, he was slightly surprised to see Tim enter, holding a paper in his hands.

"Hi," the boy mumbled, cautiously reading the room for any signs of danger but finding none he came up to the desk.

"How have you been?" Bruce asked, gesturing to him to take the seat in front of him.

"Um good," he replied, sitting down on the chair and placing the paper in front of him, "you told me you could arrange a tutor for me so I was just thinking about the subjects I'd like to study."

Bruce nodded, taking the paper to see what was written on it. But he was surprised by the choice of subjects. It was a vast collection of topics a child Tim's age wouldn't even know about such as Advanced Chemistry, Forensic studies, criminal psychology, biochemistry, chemical physics, and other specialized fields that were normally offered as separate degree courses.

"I just wrote down everything that I am interested in," Tim said as Bruce was still examining the list in silence, "you don't have to find me a tutor for all of them, I know that can be difficult."

He looked up, thinking about how to convey to him that his list of subjects was far from what he thought he would come up with.

"Timothy, most of these subjects you are interested in are taught at the university level. And for that, you must clear the high school stage. I told you I can arrange a tutor for that and then you can get enrolled in any of these specialized fields. But it won't be possible to do so right now."

"Oh... So I just have to go through high school?" He looked quite crestfallen at the revelation.

"If you don't want to, you can only give the exams and study at home," he suggested, "although it would be better if you don't skip the experience of going to school altogether."

He thought about it, a slight frown settling on his face, "but for that, you'll have to declare me undead, right?"

"Ideally, yes."

His thoughts flickered to his parents and what they could be doing at the moment. He hadn't heard from them in those two years but he knew if he was declared alive, that could result in a problem for them.

"I need some time to think about it," he spoke up after a long pause, "will that be okay with you?"

"Of course. Take all the time you need," Bruce noticed something felt off with him but knew he wouldn't be comfortable if he asked him about it. So he watched Tim stand up and as he was about to take the paper, he added, "you can leave it here. I will see if I can find someone capable enough to teach these subjects to you in the meanwhile."

He paused but then his eyes lit up, "thank you."

"You know you don't have to thank me for everything, right?"

A smile flickered upon his lips as he nodded, "but still, thanks. I really appreciate it."


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