[21] Tea In The Narrows

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Tim waited for the Kent family to go back to Metropolis and did not take Connor to the basement again. He also didn't go himself as he didn't want to get caught by Bruce or Alfred.

But he knew he would have to go and check up on Crane someday soon as leaving him unchecked could result in worse consequences. Before that, however, he needed to verify what the former psychiatrist had been referring to about his file in Arkham's records.

He would have to pay a visit to Miguel, the trustworthy inside source he had in Arkham.

Miguel must know about Crane's escape too and there was a chance of him being an accomplice in it as there was once a time the two were neighbors. Jonathan had helped him in the past and he might have asked him to repay the favor.

Keeping that in mind, Tim thought about how to approach the situation and take Miguel into confidence. The asylum was severely understaffed so there wasn't a specific personnel assigned to keep an eye on the records. Being the receptionist as well as the manager, Miguel could easily access the files.

But another obstacle for him was keeping the entire ordeal a secret from Bruce and his family. If any of them found out that he was helping Crane in staying hidden, it would cause complications.

He decided to keep things one at a time, focusing on getting the file first. In order to avoid suspicion, he reached out to Richard and asked him if he could take him to the Narrows.

"What will you do in the Narrows?" Richard asked although he knew he wouldn't be able to say no to Tim.

"I told you about Miguel, remember? He called me over to his place for tea. You can stay outside if you don't want to come," he replied.

"And you assume I will let you go off to the deadliest neighborhood in Gotham on your own? Not happening."

He smiled, "then you can come in but fair warning, Miguel's kids are a diabolical lot who would keep you busy the entire time. Your call."

"At this rate, I can't think of anyone being more diabolical than you."

Tim's smile widened, "appreciate the compliment."

In the end, he managed to persuade Richard to wait for him outside at a safe spot close to the Narrows. He also assured him that it wasn't his first time there and he knew his way around really well.

Richard wanted to be sure of that so he did accompany him to the apartment and instructed him to call him to get him by the time he would get free. However, it seemed Tim had been right about going to the Narrows often as the kids playing out there recognized him and greeted him warmly.

Perhaps the people living in that neighborhood weren't all bad as it was portrayed by the news and rumors circulating in the city, Richard thought. It would be unfair to judge the entire area on the basis of a handful of negative reports.

He dropped Tim off at the door of Miguel's apartment and then came back to his car before it could get painted over. He trusted Tim to give him a call so he backed out of the neighborhood and went to a coffee shop nearby.

On the other hand, Tim was ushered in by Miguel's eldest son who got very excited to see him. Tim had brought cookies for them that the children shared and he also met their mother, giving her his polite greetings.

"Hi Miguel," Tim greeted him as well, seeing the aloof look on his face that was always there.

"What do you want?" He demanded, knowing full well that Tim would need something from him, that was why he was there.

"I just want to talk," he smiled innocently, "and I brought cookies for your family."

"Dad, try some. These are delicious!"

Miguel ignored the chaos his children were getting into as he told them to go to their mother's room and stay there. The look in Tim's eyes clearly meant he was there on urgent business.

"If it's about any of Crane's chemicals, then I can't help you..." Miguel spoke up, voicing out his first assumption.

"No, it isn't. I just found out he escaped prison and thought you would know something about it."

His eyes narrowed in a warning, "so? Are you accusing me of being an accomplice?"

"We're all in the same boat, Migs. If I accuse you, I will get dragged into the mess as well," he shrugged nonchalantly, "so let's just forget about who helped who as we might both be found guilty in that respect."

"Then what the hell do you want?"

Tim shook his head, "just a little help. I need you to get me Doctor Crane's file from the prison records."

"And why should I do that?"

"Because he asked me to get it and the only person I know who can help is you."

Miguel pondered on his words for a while, a thoughtful frown creasing his features, "what do I get in return?"

"Money, of course, you think I am an idiot?" Tim took out a wallet, Richard's wallet in fact that he had nicked when the elder brother wasn't looking, then emptied it of the cash it held. "There you go. Consider this an advance, you will get the exact same amount after I get the file."

Miguel's eyes widened seeing the money that he accepted but still felt dubious, "if I get in trouble for this..."

"You won't, trust me. Who's going to find out if just one file goes missing?"

"If the authorities find out that he has escaped, the first thing they will be coming after is his file. I don't know how they haven't figured it out already but whenever they do, it will not be easy to get into his records."

Tim considered then spoke up, "alright, then you bring me the file as soon as possible and I will make a copy of it so you can put the original back where it belongs. Sounds good?"

Miguel counted the dollar bills and agreed, knowing that he was being paid a lot for a small task that he could manage, "fine. But I need the file back on the same day I procure it for you. I can't take any risks."

"Deal," Tim nodded, "you won't have to worry about any risks. I have everything sorted out."

However, Tim's phone started ringing so with the deal being done, he excused himself from Miguel and picked up the call.

"Nice timing, I was about to call you. You can come to pick me up," Tim spoke first.

"Tim, there has been a problem," Richard sounded worried and Tim paused, knowing what could be the problem, "I don't have my wallet on me. I think somebody stole it while I was in the Narrows."

Tim feigned ignorance although a mischievous smile was playing upon his lips, "oh really? Too bad, I would have noticed if someone did that. You sure you don't have it with you?"

"I have checked twice and I really need to pay the bill at this coffee shop... Even my card was in the wallet."

"That sucks. How about you stay there and I will come to get you? I have my card on me, we can pay your bill in a jiffy then."

"But my wallet..."

"Remember when you said you hardly doubt there could be someone more diabolical than me?" He remarked, waving Miguel and his family goodbye as he stepped out of their apartment, "you were absolutely right."

There was silence on the other end as Richard processed his words. "Wait... What does that mean?"

"I have your wallet and you might be out of cash now," he chuckled, imagining his brother's reaction.

"What? But why?"

"I am coming to the coffee shop, I will explain later. Please order a cup or two of Cappuccino for me too, I am on my way."


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