[36] A Source Of Warmth

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The decision was not only unexpected for Jonathan but also for the press and the political representatives there. But as Charlize had said, they had prepared for everything according to the procedure, and considering all the submitted evidence in the form of Jonathan's evaluation and reports, the jury ruled in his favor although they did put him under a longer parole period.

Jonathan was still in a state of disbelief as he got congratulated by his lawyer and psychiatrist, both of whom held sincere wishes for him and his future. They were waiting for the rest of the people to leave first upon Charlize's suggestion as she knew Jonathan had already faced enough pressure and should be spared the trouble of handling questions so soon.

Both Charlize and David cared for his personal well-being, he could see that very clearly and it made him feel more grateful for their presence and support.

"This is a new beginning, Jonathan. Embrace it, and remember, you have the power to shape your own destiny now," Charlize remarked and he nodded, a flame of hope lessening the tension in his heart.

"It could not have been possible without both of you," he admitted, feeling their warm gazes upon him, "thank you."

"You should give yourself credit too. Doctor Fischer told me that you have shown remarkable improvement. That's definitely something you should be proud of," David added.

"Doctor Fischer tends to exaggerate..."

"Oh no I don't," she shook her head, a light laugh escaping her, "besides are you still going to keep calling me Doctor Fischer?"

He paused, "why, should I not?"

"I think if you do get your license back which I am certain you will, then we will be colleagues," she remarked and it made him think in a slightly different direction.

His license as a psychiatrist had been confiscated the first time he had been trialed and sent for Arkham so if he wanted to renew that license, he would have to go through the examinations again and then submit an application for renewal. Or he could look for another job that would help him out, different from what he used to do in the past.

So he only nodded in reply to Charlize's previous remark, deciding to think about his license later. Although another surprise was about to hit him because as he walked out of the courtroom, he paused to see Tim and Bruce waiting outside.

"Hi!" Tim had rushed to them, a bright smile playing upon his lips, "congratulations, the three of you did a fantastic job."

Seeing the boy in front of him spread a very warm feeling in Jonathan's heart. He had been hoping Tim would come but had ruled out the possibility, feeling that Bruce might not want to indulge his ward further by letting him associate with Crane.

But there he was and surprisingly Bruce Wayne had come to the hearing as well, standing at a distance as he nodded in acknowledgment, catching Jonathan's surprised gaze.

"You came...?" Jonathan looked away from Bruce's deductive eyes and asked Tim, still quite confused after that unexpected decision and outcome of the final hearing.

"Of course, I had to. I dragged Bruce along as well," he remarked, quite visibly happy that Crane was now free and didn't have to go back to Arkham, "also, I came because I just had to look at you and go I told you so."

He paused but then realized Tim was referring to their previous meeting when he had said he hoped to see Jonathan out of Arkham someday soon.

And now that day had arrived.

He felt overwhelmed by a sudden rush of emotions that he hadn't believed he would ever get to feel. Overpowering the emotion of guilt that stayed with him prior to that hearing was a rush of relief, warmth, and comfort.

And it all had been possible due to the very unexpected involvement of that vicious little boy as he used to call him earlier. Tim, the devilish menace who had an uncanny ability to make incredibly dangerous people end up getting fond of him.

"Hey, you look like you're about to cry..."

But Tim's words drowned into incoherence as Jonathan reached forward and took him into a tight hug, expressing the gratitude he felt toward him.

"Thank you," he whispered, voice heavy with all the emotions that were striking him full force, "thank you for helping me and believing in me."

Tim had gotten stiff at first, not expecting the hug at all, but then he relaxed, gently patting the elder man's back, "aw come on, now you're the one making me all emotional."

Tim smiled as he let go of him, turning to look at Bruce who had approached them by then. The press would be having a field day making a story out of their conversation but it didn't matter.

Bruce appreciated Charlize and David's efforts and though he didn't converse much with Jonathan, the former psychiatrist noticed that the man was no longer considering him as a threat to be wary of, unlike in their last meeting at Arkham. He did not find any contempt or hatred in those pale blue eyes that he had gotten accustomed to seeing in other people.

It was time for them to leave and Jonathan got fidgety again, realizing that he would have to go back to his old apartment in the Narrows. Tim noticed so he thought of making things a bit better for him.

"Hey Bruce, is it okay if I go with Doctor Crane to the Narrows? I'm sure he'll need help sorting things out in his apartment and making it worth living in again."

Bruce considered but then remarked, "I don't have any objection but I think Mister Crane would need some time to himself. Don't be overbearing."

Tim realized he was right too and he quickly turned to Jonathan, "oh, of course, I didn't mean to pressurize anything..."

"It's fine," he replied, "Miguel will be dropping me there and I'll have company as David and Doctor Fischer have to go through some paperwork with me. You can come see me tomorrow as I don't plan on doing anything else today. I guess I have to unwind from everything that has just happened, it still feels unreal..."

"Yeah definitely," he smiled, understanding immediately, "I'll see you tomorrow then. Good luck."

Charlize saw that very faint smile that had taken over Jonathan's face and she smiled as well, knowing that Tim held a very special place in that man's heart. The way they had met and their experience with each other had been quite strange but after everything, Jonathan had accepted Tim as a friend.

Having someone to care for and be fond of was a good thing, especially for a man who was recuperating from his past. Tim showed him a light to his future and that was why he had become so important to him.

However, Charlize had not yet been able to make a clear evaluation of Tim yet. True, she wasn't obligated to evaluate him as he was not her patient but the boy intrigued her with his very different approach and far from normal past.

"I'll see you guys later then. Bye Mister Thompson, bye Doctor Fischer," Tim waved eagerly then left with Bruce who had been waiting for him.

"We should go too now, Mister Hanson is waiting in his car," Charlize spoke up, gaining Jonathan's attention.

"Oh... Right, we should."

As they were leaving, she added a reassuring remark, "and Jonathan, don't stress about the future already. I'm sure you'll figure things out with time."

He nodded, managing a slight smile, "I hope so. Thank you."

"You're always welcome."


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