[45] Wayne Family Zoo

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The issue between Damian and Tim had to be resolved fast because everyone thought they would end up killing each other if not kept at a safe distance.

A considerable time had passed since Damian had come to live with them but the boys got into fights on a very regular basis. Tim had the habit of saying something that would set him off then Damian would pounce on him only to let go when threatened by the countless syringes Tim kept close for emergency usage.

Eventually, with the intervention of Cassandra on Tim's side and Jason from Damian's, they reached an agreement of strictly avoiding each other and not interfering in each other's business.

That agreement was upheld to some extent on Tim's part because he got busy with the procedure of his university admission along with Stephanie so he seldom got time to interact with their youngest brother.

As days passed, Damian too started to adjust to his family and began to accept them in his life. But with Deathstroke's threats starting to emerge toward Talia, he got busy with Bruce in solving that case.

In the meantime, Tim and Steph's university life started and they got occupied with their studies. Tim had applied for a major in Toxicology while Steph had applied for a major in Archaeological Conservation.

So their participation in the usual family drama had decreased considerably, getting limited only to the weekends or the breaks they had from campus.

Tim had gotten a lot more detached as compared to Stephanie but as his lab was in the cave, he would often be there whenever he was at home. So he was more updated about their vigilante life rather than what was happening up at the manor.

He knew that Batman and his newly recruited Robin had had a tough time dealing with Deathstroke and his mission to take over the League. It had almost resulted in Damian and his mother's lives getting compromised so Tim thought of doing something good for Damian for the first and probably the last time.

He had once seen Damian smuggling a black cat inside Wayne Manor and he had a guess that the boy adored animals. Thus he had the most fitting idea for cheering up Damian but he needed the other brothers to get on board with his idea.

One day he called a secret meeting under the pretense of taking both Richard and Jason to his favorite breakfast place. Once there, he broke upon them the actual reason for the hangout.

"You want us to get him animals?" Jason asked, confused by the whole prospect.

"Not that many animals, just a few he can keep as pets," Tim elaborated, "he keeps a cat and I think only Alfred knows because, for some reason, he thinks he will get punished for keeping pets in the manor and hides it away well."

"But who said that? Of course, he can keep pets in the manor," Richard interjected.

"Well, I think I heard him once asking Alfred if he could keep a cow," Jason added after taking some time to recall the incident from a few days ago.

"I have the feeling if he had his way, he would set up an entire zoo in Wayne Manor," Tim remarked but then shook his head, "anyways, that's not why I called you two here. I think we can each give him a pet as a present. He will be delighted."

"That's a good idea, Timmy," Richard ruffled his head gently, "I am touched that you care about him."

"I don't care about him." Much to his surprise, Tim contradicted the statement, "I just know he's family, and I have to put up with him. I would rather not put up with such a sour face, so I thought he could do with some cheering up."

Jason and Richard exchanged a knowing glance then the former remarked, "sure, Babybird, you definitely don't care about him or any of us."

"Stop it, Jay, I am serious here and you two are goofing around as usual."

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