[35] Trial Of The Decade

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The cases against Scarecrow had been reopened so the court was issuing hearings in the procedure of the trial. Jonathan Crane had gone to some of the hearings himself and it was always a long debate of whether he should be evicted of his charges or not.

Charlize would represent him on days he didn't appear before the jury because she could see that all the pressure of the hearings was starting to make him stressed again. And she didn't want him to relapse at such a crucial point so she did all she could to make sure that he was dealing with all that stress effectively.

The press was harsh to him and that was quite expected since he had been responsible for getting many convicts out of death sentences by declaring them insane. He had also been responsible for almost wiping out Gotham with his fear gas under Ra's Al Ghul's orders.

The charges against him weren't menial by any means.

Even if the Scarecrow could be blamed for the more violent acts, no one could deny that Jonathan had been involved just as much when it came to negotiating with Falcone and Ra's Al Ghul.

But still, she hoped to give her best effort to her patient and his cases that were pending in court.

Her hard work did not go in vain though. Along with Crane's lawyer, she was able to prove to the court that he was recovering and sought a second chance. There was still uncertainty on whether the court would decide in favor of releasing him or not but at least they had made remarkable progress.

A knock sounded on her door and she looked up, knowing it would be Miguel who had brought Crane to her office upon her request.

"Come in," she remarked and soon enough the door opened, revealing the former psychiatrist.

"Doctor Fischer," he greeted her politely, taking the seat in front of her desk.

He made it a point of always addressing her as Doctor Fischer instead of calling her Charlize even though she told him it would be fine if he was informal toward her. But he kept up the barrier of respect and politeness, keeping their relationship as a psychiatrist and her patient strictly professional.

That day, however, he was surprised she hadn't come to see him in the therapy rooms and called him to the office instead.

"How are you feeling today, Jonathan?"

"I am well, thank you," he replied, looking around the place in nostalgia. The last time he had come there was when he had met Bruce Wayne.

"You know that if there's anything troubling you, you can discuss it with me," she prompted him, noticing the signs of discomfort in his demeanor.

"I know... I... I am actually very nervous about this hearing," he admitted, "I almost don't want to go."

"That's normal," Charlize said gently. "You're facing a big moment in your life that is going to reshape everything you've known. But you don't have to be afraid. We're here for you. We're on your side."

He shook his head, looking down at his hands that were trembling from apprehension, "I am worried what the decision will be, the press stresses me out, and most of the people... They are people I have hurt, people who don't want me to leave Arkham... There was a time when I saw the fear in their eyes and it made me feel powerful. But now that I am helpless, I see that fear has turned to hatred... I am anxious, Doctor Fischer, and I am worried that things would not go the way I want them to."

She knew why he was feeling that way. It was the last hearing of his case the next day and he had been jittery since the past week, anticipating the final outcome.

"We've prepared everything for your hearing," she reassured him, "we have recorded your progress and all the reports are going to be crystal clear in showing the jury how hard you are working on yourself. We're going to show them how much you've changed, how much you've improved, how much you've helped. Trust me on this."

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