[43] Haunting Past

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Jonathan had not expected Tim to show up at his place so early in the morning. It was a Sunday and the boy should have been at home with his family but he had turned up there, claiming they had a little pest problem at Wayne Manor that he wanted to escape at all costs.

He later learned that by pest he was referring to Bruce's youngest and only biological son who had just been introduced to the family.

Apparently, Tim and the new kid did not get along well as Tim had injected him with a sedative which in turn made him go immediately on his hit list. And it was no help either that the kid was a prodigy in katanas and could slice Tim up very easily if he wanted to. 

So to escape all the chaos and the possible destruction, Tim had sneaked out early in the morning before his menacing little brother could wake up from the side effects and execute his revenge on him.

"You should not have done that," Jonathan remarked after listening to a thorough account of Tim and Damian's first meeting.

It was amusing to hear though. Tim truly was an unexpected bundle of surprises and never failed to both shock and entertain Jonathan with his antics at the same time.

"Really? Tell me not to do something and I'll do it twice then take pictures," he answered and it made a slight smile flicker on the elder man's face.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"I took an apple on my way out so I'm full," he replied, looking around in the almost empty cabinets of his kitchen, "hey, you really do need to go grocery shopping. What have you been surviving on?"

"It's alright, Timothy. I just didn't notice it earlier. I will eat something at work."

Tim paused, assessing his expression, "but it's Sunday. You don't have to go to work."

"Oh... Well, then I will just have to go to the supermarket..." 

Jonathan looked quite disappointed at the prospect that now he would have to go grocery shopping and stock up on provisions. He had been putting it off for later from the past week just because he could easily buy something from the cafeteria at his workplace instead of going out to an actual supermarket.

Tim knew full well that Jonathan wasn't fond of going out for anything until or unless it was absolutely necessary. The only times he stepped out of his apartment were when he had to go to Wayne Labs or to his regular session with Doctor Fischer.

He was still hesitant to face people as he knew they would view him as the Scarecrow who had caused immense damage yet was walking free a decade later. He felt that guilt and regret which made him want to stay as a recluse.

"Can I go grocery shopping with you?" Tim asked eagerly, waiting for his response, "please, pretty please?"

Jonathan considered, seeing the eager spark in his blue eyes, "you're not going to back off even if I say no, right?"

"Yeah, I'll just find other ways to convince you then." 

Tim flashed him a bright smile, reminding him that he wasn't afraid of following on that remark. It could be a harmless prank or a threat, one could never be sure whenever that devious young boy was concerned.

"No thanks. You can come."

"That's great. Come now you don't have anything here to eat. We can go grocery shopping later, first I'll take you to my favorite breakfast place."

Jonathan knew better than to object as once Tim got excited, it was hard to dissuade him from whatever he had decided. So he picked his overcoat and hat then locked up his apartment and followed Tim outside, letting him lead the way.

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