[41] Unspeakable Dude

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Steph found out that Tim had gone to confront Dean even though he tried his best to hide it. The biggest giveaway was his bruised knuckles and unlike Jonathan, she didn't believe his excuse of punching a dumpster.

"When I told you not to go after him, why did you?" She asked after listening to Tim's almost an hour-long rant on how Dean was an asshole and he couldn't believe she tolerated him for that long.

"Because I care for you," he replied albeit reluctantly, "I saw you were hurt and I couldn't digest it that he would get to escape from it all while you have to deal with this situation alone."

She shook her head, "but I'm not alone. You said you are with me, right?"

"Yes but Steph, try to understand..."

"And you got into a fight?" She didn't let him dive into his thorough reasoning about Dean.

"No, I punched him and I ran off because I guess I'm a coward..." He stared down at his knuckles that still stung.

"Timmy, I don't know about a coward but you definitely are an idiot... Look, I appreciate you standing up for me and putting Dean in his place but you're not supposed to get yourself in trouble while doing so."

"I know," his eyes darkened again and he looked away but Steph could see right past him.

She could feel that Dean must have said something that angered him. Tim was never one to run away and the fact that he had left probably had nothing to do with him being afraid of Dean.

If the fear toxin couldn't scare him, she hardly doubted a nineteen-year-old baseball player would.

"You left because you didn't want to end up doing something you'd regret later," she spoke at last after analyzing the situation and his behavior. "Isn't that right?"

There was utter silence from Tim as he did not reply to that claim. But the look in his eyes was enough for her to know that her assumption was right.

"What did he say to you?" She asked cautiously, wanting to know about it but at the same time, she wasn't sure whether he would answer or not.


"I don't believe that."

"Well, he was talking shit, alright? I didn't care enough to remember," Tim's eyes flashed in annoyance and he folded his arms defiantly.

Steph knew that was a silent indicator that he wasn't going to tell her easily. She would have to coax it out of him.

"Tim, come on, I tell you everything. You should do the same."

He refused to say a word, holding her stare for as long as he possibly could. Eventually, Steph had to cave in as she let out a soft sigh and got up from the couch.

"Fine, don't tell me. I get it that now you suddenly feel the need to keep secrets between us."

She knew that accusation would do the trick as Tim groaned in disappointment and surrendered.

"I'm not keeping secrets, I think you're better off not knowing. Every single thing he said was a load of crap either way so what does it matter whether I tell you or not."

"He must have said that crap about me and that's probably the reason you're getting so offensive right now."

He glared at her but then decided to let go of it. She deserved to know.

"He thinks so low of you, Stephanie, that if I hadn't stopped myself in time, I would have blasted his head off instead of just punching him in the face... Not only does he think you're lying about the baby, he also thinks it's... It's not his and thus he need not have any responsibility to look after."

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