[37] Breakfast In The Afternoon

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Tim followed Bruce's advice and thought of giving Crane some time to settle in before he would go to visit him. Besides he had also told him that he had some work left to discuss with his lawyer and Charlize so it was better for Tim to visit him the next day.

The next day, Tim had woken up early and was in the kitchen baking cookies with Alfred. He wanted to take a Welcome Home gift for Jonathan and Alfred suggested that cookies would be a great idea.

Soon as the cookies got ready, he too went to get ready to leave. Cass had noticed his excitement and asked, "where you go?"

"To a friend's place, you wanna come?"

"What friend?"

"Doctor Crane," he told her, "remember I told you about him? He got released from Arkham yesterday. Bruce and I went to the hearing too. Now I want to go and help him set up his place."

"He dangerous?"

Tim paused at the question and then shrugged, "not to me anymore. We're cool with each other now."

"Good. You go but if he hurt you... I hurt him," she made her words very clear with a no-nonsense look in her eyes, making Tim laugh.

"Aw, thanks, Cass. Always happy to know I have someone watching my back."

"You be careful, little brother."

"Sure, sure. You don't have to worry," he assured her.

She seemed to have figured out that Tim wanted to go alone so she didn't press further. Instead, she went to look for Stephanie as the girl had promised to take her shopping.

So after freshening up and getting the cookies packed, Tim left Wayne Manor too and Alfred dropped him off at the Narrows.

He knew his way around the place and obviously knew where Crane's apartment was located. He had visited the infamous Scarecrow's apartment once in the past but the police had sealed it up back then so he couldn't get to go inside and take a look at all the chemicals Crane was hoarding.

Now he was sure those chemicals would have expired and disposed of already. Besides after the trial and the obligations put on Jonathan, it was clear he wasn't going to delve into his past hobbies again.

Tim stopped in front of the shabby-looking door with a huge heap of waste that had to be thrown out packed aside in cartons and rang the doorbell. Jonathan must be at home so he expected him to show up.

Soon enough, the door opened, revealing a very exhausted and sleep-ridden Jonathan. It seemed like he hadn't slept even a wink the previous night as his eyes seemed more sunken and he looked tired. Judging by the waste boxes at the door, he must have spent the whole night tidying up his place.

"Oh, it's you... I thought for a second it was the pesky neighbors and would have shooed them off," he mumbled, opening the door wider for the boy to step in.

"And a very happy good morning to you too, Doctor Crane," Tim remarked playfully, coming in and setting the box of cookies and sandwiches down on the table.

A soft sigh escaped Jonathan as he remarked, "I could do without the sarcasm."

"Oh, but I wasn't being sarcastic. I genuinely think it's a lovely morning."

Tim had come inside that small apartment for the first time so he was looking around at everything in wonder. Although most of it was a mess and needed clearing up, contrary to his assumption. The waste outside was probably just the first level of cleaning up an abandoned apartment after so many years.

Jonathan noticed that too as he remarked, "I was too tired to clean thoroughly last night so I only cleared out the kitchen and the bedroom. I had no time for sweeping either and I just got out of bed... I guess living in a cell for so long destroyed my sense of cleanliness."

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