[29] Meeting The Billionaire

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Bruce Wayne strode through the dimly lit corridors of Arkham Asylum, his footsteps echoing in the eerie silence. He approached the reception desk and Miguel glanced up from his paperwork, his features morphing into surprise upon recognizing the billionaire philanthropist.

"How may I help you, Mister Wayne?" He asked out of routine but Bruce could see that he was worried about something, as if seeing him there had not been a good occurrence for him.

Deep down Miguel was thinking that Bruce was there to get him fired from his job just because he had been involved in whatever had happened to Tim and not told them the truth. He hadn't been as anxious when Richard Grayson had inquired about the matter but for some reason, the cold stare of the eldest Wayne gave him chills.

"I need to visit Jonathan Crane," he spoke in a calm tone, "but I want you to ensure a more confidential place than his cell and without the time limit given for visitors."

"You mean you wish to see him out of his cell and for as long as you want to...?"

"I am sure you will be able to arrange that," he resumed, not retrieving his gaze that was fixed on the internally nervous man, "I have heard there is a severe understaffing here and you look after most of the tasks. This shouldn't be a problem for you."

"Well... Yes, I do. I will still have to check with the... Never mind." But seeing Bruce's unfaltering look, he gave in immediately, "please wait here, I will arrange something."

"Thank you."

Miguel quickly left the reception area and once out of earshot, he kicked his foot at the wall in frustration. He didn't want to get fired but at the same time, he didn't want to face Bruce accusing him of being involved with Crane's escape.

There was no way that the billionaire would be unaware of Crane's involvement in what happened to Tim because if his calculations were right, Tim would have been discharged from the hospital and would have told him everything already. That could be the reason why Bruce had come to Arkham himself, he must want to warn Crane of his actions and the consequences that could have.

Miguel thought of what he should do in the current situation. The inspection team was scheduled to come two days after and currently, there was no higher authority member in the asylum either. He would not get into any trouble if he complied with the billionaire's request.

So he arranged the only place that did not have any cameras for monitoring; Doctor Crane's office which he used back when he was Head Psychiatrist at the asylum.

"Sir, follow me," Miguel came back to take Bruce to the office and led the way through the sterile corridors of the first floor.

The first floor was used by the staff but it was empty at the moment and at the end of the corridor, they reached an office with the nameplate taken off.

"Please take a seat, I will go and fetch Crane for you."

Bruce looked around and guessed that office belonged to the Head Psychiatrist but he also knew that after Crane, no one had filled the spot. It would hit the current convict with nostalgia upon coming to that place after so long.

Shortly after, Miguel returned with Jonathan Crane but his hands were cuffed and he made him sit on a chair across from Bruce. He also gave Bruce a small remote to summon him if something went wrong or when their meeting ended so that Crane could be taken back to his cell. 

And just as abruptly as he had come in, Miguel exited, not wanting to stay and get involved in things that could put his job or life at risk.

Bruce turned his attention to Jonathan who had finally adjusted to the light in the office. He was looking around the place in surprise, not expecting to be brought there for a meeting.

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